
Here’s the new blog/blog name/url. Whaddya think? David worked way harder than I’d hoped he’d have to to move everything over here, and I love the banner Xina made for me. I think I’m gonna be happy here.

A real post soon, I promise. I’ve still got some arranging to do here…moving the patterns over and whatnot. In the meantime, please move your RSS subscription over to this new url.

Back soon with a shiny new post.

Oh–and I now have comment moderation, so there’ll be a delay before your comment shows up.

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64 Comments on “So…uh…TADA!

  1. LOVE IT! Love that you kept the red clogs photo, love the way the page looks and love the new name.

    I still miss Oregon too. In fact, I spent all weekend bawling–every time a saw a clip or photo of Obama in Oregon the waterworks would start–I wanted to be in Eugene so bad.

  2. LOVE IT! Love that you kept the red clogs photo, love the way the page looks and love the new name.

    I still miss Oregon too. In fact, I spent all weekend bawling–every time a saw a clip or photo of Obama in Oregon the waterworks would start–I wanted to be in Eugene so bad.

  3. Is there an appropriate blog warming gift? Maybe a plant? Tea towels? Anyway, I hope you love it here. Looks awesome!

  4. Is there an appropriate blog warming gift? Maybe a plant? Tea towels? Anyway, I hope you love it here. Looks awesome!

  5. I love the new site!! The banner is perfect! I agree with Judith, glad you kept the red clogs!! (I want some sooooo bad)

  6. I love the new site!! The banner is perfect! I agree with Judith, glad you kept the red clogs!! (I want some sooooo bad)

  7. It´s so beautiful! I love it! It´s shiny and new. Feels like fresh air. Congrats!

  8. It´s so beautiful! I love it! It´s shiny and new. Feels like fresh air. Congrats!

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