still cold black stars

That’s what the next book feels like. That is, the book I’m starting now, while still waiting to hear from my agent about the book I just finished. (I’ve been in touch with her. She’s still swamped. She asked for 2-3 more weeks. She also asked that I refrain from dying of suspense. In case you were wondering, we love Gail. We love Gail a lot.)

The new book feels like “Still Cold” by Mazzy Star sounds. (Does that make sense to anyone outside my own head?) I know…kind of random, actually, and it surprised me when I realized it. There’s always a sort of soundtrack to my writing projects. Drowning Practice sounded like Lifter Puller. The current book bounces around between The Pogues and Ani DiFranco. (Weird mix, maybe, but trust me. It works.) But never before has the sound of a single song felt like the portal into a story and a character before. And a song I hadn’t heard in years, at that. Not part of the usual rotation at all.

I was thinking my way into the story and thinking my way into the head of the main character, who is going to lead me through the story, and that’s what I heard. Hope Sandoval’s voice singing “Still Cold.” The main character is a man, so it’s not that Hope’s voice is the voice of the character. It’s something in the mood of the song and the way it hits my gut. And it hits my gut in the saddest, most melancholically nostalgic way possible. This might be sad book. It will certainly be a dark book. This is not what I planned, it’s what’s asserting itself. Which will mean hard work to keep myself balanced in my real life when not writing the book. Drowning Practice was a dark book, and I got kind of nuts while writing it. Must be on guard for that this time, what with a kid in the mix.

In other news, I am a lazy mom who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Halloween. The kid is wearing last year’s dinosaur/dragon costume again. Since he doesn’t remember last year’s Halloween, he’s fine with it. I figure this is the last year I can get away with THAT. Actually…he doesn’t give a rat’s ass about his costume either. Probably because I haven’t been playing up Halloween because I haven’t been thinking about it much. He’ll probably get into it once he sees the big kids all dressed up at the block party this evening, though. I’ll be the one dressed up as a sleep-deprived mom. Yeah. I’m going all out this year. Next year I promise to try to throw myself into the spirit for the kiddo’s sake. Maybe.

Yes, I am a Halloween Grinch. I admit it. Forgive me?

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13 Comments on “still cold black stars

  1. i’m just glad the block party is saving me from having to make real plans. what? leave a bowl of candy on my porch and then let the neighbors feed me dinner? best. block. ever.

  2. I love that song. I love that whole album. Have you ever listened to Opal? No Sandoval just the guitarist whose name escapes me right now which is embarrassing because I met him once and ERK! Dave something.

    They are also good moody music with wailing guitar. And they have a song called Happy Nightmare Baby which is fabulous.

    Dude, I’m going as a sick novelist who hasn’t quite finished her third draft YET and woke up hallucinating. 🙁

  3. Don’t feel bad, I am a Halloween Grinch too this year. It happens. Your little guy will have fun no matter what, and he’ll remember he had his mom with him for the fun.

  4. I used up all my Halloween costume mojo on the kids. This year I’m dressed as a middle-aged mother/librarian. Yup, I’m reaching for new creative heights!

  5. I did a double read at Mazzy Star…love Hope. Love her. Particularly love her with Jesus and Mary Chain. And by herself. And with Mazzy. Anyway really.

    And if that’s what the book sounds like, I’ll buy all of them.

  6. No one celebrates Halloween here, so we barely paid attention ourselves. Didn’t even come across any pumpkins to carve!!! And Jonah wore the same thing as last year too: construction worker. He didn’t much care and neither did anyone at his school. A bit too young for Halloween still. But that’s fine with me. As long as we can delay the onslaught of candy bars, we will.

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