Sweets from the sweet

When Thumper and I arrived home today from a grueling morning spent playing very hard with Tereza and Jonah at an indoor play park*, we found a package waiting for us. And inside the package…

sweet norma.jpg

Yes, Norma has spoiled me again. Those are her famous Dutch letters, every bit as delicious as they sounded on her blog. And equally delicious oatmeal cookies. And chocolate covered pretzels from her sister’s company. And yes…that’s right… A jar of her pear-ginger jam. I am the very luckiest sweet-toothed kid in all the land today.

The kid is now conked out, and the challah dough is rising, and I’m trying my very best not to eat ALL the goodies before Billy gets home. Have a great weekend, everyone.

*There are indoor play parks in community centers all over Portland in winter (and maybe in other seasons? Dunno yet.). Because it’s so wet here, it’s hard for kids to get time outside to run and jump and climb and all that good kid stuff. For $1 you can go to a community center where the gymnasium is set up with riding toys, climbing structures, push toys, wagons, balls, slides, play kitchens, etc etc. And tons of other kids. It’s kind of brilliant.

20 Comments on “Sweets from the sweet

  1. I wish they made an indoor play center for adults. It sounds fab. And furthermore, pear-ginger = mmmmm…
    Posted by: Lizbon

  2. Sigh. If only Tucson would realize that it’s too damn hot to go outside here for a good part of the year…. Those play parks sound great!

    Good shabbes to you/
    Posted by: Lynn in Tucson

  3. thanks for that link! i was just telling a friend about the company and was going to have to hunt for it.
    Posted by: Cambria

  4. So pretty, how you set it out like that. 🙂

    I hope it gives you some writing energy, Honey.
    Posted by: Norma

  5. I’m home now for the challah. 🙂 I left you a voice mail. I may conk out myself…riding the bike home after a BUSY day is exhausting.

    Those goodies look so. darn. good! I’ve got a pile on my counter from my bake happy friends.

    See you soon?
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  6. I wish they made an indoor play center for adults. It sounds fab. And furthermore, pear-ginger = mmmmm…
    Posted by: Lizbon

  7. Sigh. If only Tucson would realize that it’s too damn hot to go outside here for a good part of the year…. Those play parks sound great!

    Good shabbes to you/
    Posted by: Lynn in Tucson

  8. thanks for that link! i was just telling a friend about the company and was going to have to hunt for it.
    Posted by: Cambria

  9. So pretty, how you set it out like that. 🙂

    I hope it gives you some writing energy, Honey.
    Posted by: Norma

  10. I’m home now for the challah. 🙂 I left you a voice mail. I may conk out myself…riding the bike home after a BUSY day is exhausting.

    Those goodies look so. darn. good! I’ve got a pile on my counter from my bake happy friends.

    See you soon?
    Posted by: shannon in oregon

  11. I’m so glad you made it to Indoor Park with us today. Isn’t it the best? We go just about every week. Also, thank you so much for sharing a challah loaf with us today. After blessing it, I dove straight into it. My whole family says: delicious! Not to mention gorgeous! You’ve really perfected the art of challah baking.
    Posted by: Tereza

  12. We love our community center, but also love OMSI. Science Playground has sand, water, etc., great for Thumper’s age. I think the membership price is worth it and much better than hauling my son in the car across town to the Children’s Museum.
    Posted by: Tanya

  13. My Dutch mother (Frisian, actually) makes those cookies except in the form of long sticks, and calls them “bonket.” They are indeed delicious! She is a champion at them and went through eight cans of almond paste this last holiday season alone to make enough for everyone’s requests. It’s amazing to see the same thing appear on your blog.
    Posted by: Aura

  14. I’m so glad you made it to Indoor Park with us today. Isn’t it the best? We go just about every week. Also, thank you so much for sharing a challah loaf with us today. After blessing it, I dove straight into it. My whole family says: delicious! Not to mention gorgeous! You’ve really perfected the art of challah baking.
    Posted by: Tereza

  15. We love our community center, but also love OMSI. Science Playground has sand, water, etc., great for Thumper’s age. I think the membership price is worth it and much better than hauling my son in the car across town to the Children’s Museum.
    Posted by: Tanya

  16. My Dutch mother (Frisian, actually) makes those cookies except in the form of long sticks, and calls them “bonket.” They are indeed delicious! She is a champion at them and went through eight cans of almond paste this last holiday season alone to make enough for everyone’s requests. It’s amazing to see the same thing appear on your blog.
    Posted by: Aura

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