
“After writing mostly nonfiction for years, I returned to fiction and felt a bit rudderless until I joined Cari’s 9-month novel writing class. Cari meets her students where they are, providing brilliant insight and encouragement matched to each writer’s work and intentions. Best of all, she draws in wonderful people who easily create a supportive community. I recommend Cari’s teaching and guidance unreservedly.” – Maud Newton, author of ANCESTOR TROUBLE

“Cari is such a thoughtful, generous teacher. I joined her class with a half-finished messy draft and no idea of how to get to something more finished or cohesive. Not only were the other students some of the smartest and most committed I’ve taken a class with, Cari gave each of us a level of focus and attention I haven’t gotten from other teachers. She helped me conceptualize why I was stuck and where I wanted to go. She also read my pages and pointed out a large plot issue, which is one of the key changes I made that helped me sell my book to a big five publisher. If you are lost in your book, Cari can guide you out!” –Emma Pattee, author of TILT

“Cari Luna is not only an incredible writer, but also an incredible teacher. I have taken several of her writing classes and each time I am in awe of her ability to provide astute feedback and foster community within the class. Her feedback helped guide me through my revision process of my first novel, and her encouragement was invaluable, ultimately leading to an offer of representation from my agent. In addition, because Cari is so adept at fostering community, the close-knit group of students in more than one of my classes became writing groups and support systems I have counted on as I continue my writing journey. My only hope is that Cari will save a spot for me in her future classes, as I intend to keep coming back for more workshops as long as she continues to teach. I have taken four so far and truly cannot recommend her classes highly enough.” –Amy Vandivort

“When I finished the first draft of my novel, I took Cari’s one-day revision workshop in which she presented a roadmap that I followed to further my manuscript. All the while that I was revising, however, I wished I could take more classes with Cari. In the one-day class, she had been so organized, instructive and encouraging. A year-and-a-half later, I got my wish. I enrolled in Cari’s 12-week Beginning, Middle and End: Whole Novel Workshop. Simply put, the class was amazing. Cari offered students the rare, rare, rare opportunity to receive feedback on our complete novel manuscripts in a workshop facilitated by an award-winning novelist. Cari nurtured a supportive environment where I received super helpful comments from my classmates. Cari’s own feedback was incredibly respectful of my manuscript. She cared about plot, voice, and character development of course, but she also cared about the characters. She asked questions from their perspectives. She told me how their actions made her feel. Her feedback guided me in bettering the book on the book’s own terms. She showed me how to bring out the best of what my novel could be. Four months after I completed Cari’s course I signed with my literary agent. I look forward to working with Cari again on my next novel project.” –Ebonya Lia

“Cari Luna is brilliant, wise, warm and insightful. Any student working with her is lucky indeed. She is the best kind of mentor and editor—one that sees your work with fresh eyes, eager to help you find your voice and path forward. I highly recommend her!” –Rene Denfield, bestselling author of SLEEPING GIANTS, THE CHILD FINDER, and THE ENCHANTED

“I engaged Cari Luna first as a writing coach when I needed direction and guidance while finishing a novel and then to edit some short stories I’d written. As a coach, Cari helped me stay on track to meet writing goals and helped me conquer a crisis in confidence with warmth and compassion. As an editor, Cari’s comments have provided invaluable guidance during the revision process. In addition, I’ve noticed recently that I’ve internalized some of the editorial suggestions she’s made enough to take these suggestions with me to my writing desk when I generate new work. Working with Cari has truly helped me become a better writer at all stages of the creative process.” –Jenny Drai, author of THE HISTORY WORKER and WINE DARK

“Cari Luna leads a workshop with confidence and warmth. I learned so much and I felt encouraged every step of the way. It is clear that Cari really cares about her students and their growth as writers. She is generous in the time she gives to her students, and I left her workshop with a lot of great resource material. A workshop with Cari Luna will positively influence your writing long after the class is over.” –Catherine LaSota