68 Comments on “testing 1, 2, 3…

  1. The same thing happened with Zimmermania. I was so sad, thinking no one was updating for weeks.
    Posted by: Adrian

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    Posted by: resanew

  3. The same thing happened with Zimmermania. I was so sad, thinking no one was updating for weeks.
    Posted by: Adrian

  4. When a car load goes wrong more often then not it happens when the
    Finance and Insurance manager prepares a contract for your. Many savings simple
    evaporate in that room. Here is the list of things that usually go wrong …
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    Posted by: resanew

  5. Oh, I use google reader and get pretty good results with that. I actually switched because of that exact issue with bloglines. Just so you know, I’ve been seeing your updates this week!
    Posted by: leo

  6. OK, I’m here. Is there an echo? I am such a technophobe that all I know how to do is check my bookmarks. What is Bloglines and how does it work? Or maybe it doesn’t? It would be wierd but time efficient not to have to check every single blog every day. What a concept.
    Posted by: Lee

  7. Oh, I use google reader and get pretty good results with that. I actually switched because of that exact issue with bloglines. Just so you know, I’ve been seeing your updates this week!
    Posted by: leo

  8. OK, I’m here. Is there an echo? I am such a technophobe that all I know how to do is check my bookmarks. What is Bloglines and how does it work? Or maybe it doesn’t? It would be wierd but time efficient not to have to check every single blog every day. What a concept.
    Posted by: Lee

  9. I see you! I use Sage (on Firefox) and it sees your new posts. How do you know how many people have you on their bloglines? (I’m still getting used to strangers finding me, or-even weirder–that I have a lurker or two. It’s like realizing that people outside your house can hear you singing in the shower.)
    Posted by: Anne

  10. i’m dependent upon Sage–a Firefox-extension aggregator. here and listening.
    Posted by: meowgirl

  11. I think that if I used Bloglines, there is a very good chance that I would never finish my undergrad, never mind become a reasonably responsible homeowner/parent/all that other stuff I’d like to do someday.
    So, a question for you who is among the few knitblogs which I bookmark and check every day:
    You obviously wear many hats, as an artist, and I’ve seen evidence of you using one medium to overcome blocks and difficulties in another (I can’t remember specifically which post, but there was one about painting to realize a character more fully). So what makes you feel like you are, more than anything else, A Writer? Is it a compulsion to write, a feeling that you are more clearly expressive in that mode, or…what? Or am I making assumptions based on flimsy evidence?
    Thanks, Cari!
    Posted by: Danielle

  12. I’ve been getting your posts on Google Reader. Have you ever posted your writing online? Short stories, novel excerpts, anything like that?
    Posted by: Jenn

  13. I see you! I use Sage (on Firefox) and it sees your new posts. How do you know how many people have you on their bloglines? (I’m still getting used to strangers finding me, or-even weirder–that I have a lurker or two. It’s like realizing that people outside your house can hear you singing in the shower.)
    Posted by: Anne

  14. i’m dependent upon Sage–a Firefox-extension aggregator. here and listening.
    Posted by: meowgirl

  15. I think that if I used Bloglines, there is a very good chance that I would never finish my undergrad, never mind become a reasonably responsible homeowner/parent/all that other stuff I’d like to do someday.
    So, a question for you who is among the few knitblogs which I bookmark and check every day:
    You obviously wear many hats, as an artist, and I’ve seen evidence of you using one medium to overcome blocks and difficulties in another (I can’t remember specifically which post, but there was one about painting to realize a character more fully). So what makes you feel like you are, more than anything else, A Writer? Is it a compulsion to write, a feeling that you are more clearly expressive in that mode, or…what? Or am I making assumptions based on flimsy evidence?
    Thanks, Cari!
    Posted by: Danielle

  16. I’ve been getting your posts on Google Reader. Have you ever posted your writing online? Short stories, novel excerpts, anything like that?
    Posted by: Jenn

  17. Hmm, good thing I never got around to using bloglines. I just keep clickin’ on my favorited sites one at a time like a sucker….

    What is your favorite book about writing (either the mechanics or the craft aspects)?
    Posted by: Amanda

  18. Happy Marilyn Robinson’s birthday. It should be a cross between a high holiday and a national celebration.

    I wouldn’t know a blogline if it bit me. I just check on those I love and am occasionally lured to add a new one. The Thanksgiving photo is the perfect summary of the rewards of the last year — good job on several counts.

    And I just deleted a paragraph of child vs writing advice — don’t you love me? Knit on, write on. We’re out here.
    Posted by: rams

  19. I am here as well! I, too, just check my bookmarks, but am going to look into Google Reader. Sounds interesting. A question………
    If you could only recommend one book about knitting, what would it be?
    Posted by: KaKi

  20. I use my bookmarks too, although I do have Google Reader. It is always a thrill to see new writing on a page that just loaded!
    Posted by: Heather G.

  21. i don’t use bloglines. cannot be bothered. i just go to each of my friend’s sites 97 times a day and hit refresh/refresh/refresh. i prefer to be annoyed that i am checking their site and damn it they are not posting! rather than “knowing” from bloglines whether they posted or not. bygones.

    my question is…..: when did you start dyeing your hair? and what prompted the first decision to do so?

    lame, i know, but i am not one w/ a lot of questions today.

    Posted by: carolyn

  22. Hmm, good thing I never got around to using bloglines. I just keep clickin’ on my favorited sites one at a time like a sucker….

    What is your favorite book about writing (either the mechanics or the craft aspects)?
    Posted by: Amanda

  23. Happy Marilyn Robinson’s birthday. It should be a cross between a high holiday and a national celebration.

    I wouldn’t know a blogline if it bit me. I just check on those I love and am occasionally lured to add a new one. The Thanksgiving photo is the perfect summary of the rewards of the last year — good job on several counts.

    And I just deleted a paragraph of child vs writing advice — don’t you love me? Knit on, write on. We’re out here.
    Posted by: rams

  24. I am here as well! I, too, just check my bookmarks, but am going to look into Google Reader. Sounds interesting. A question………
    If you could only recommend one book about knitting, what would it be?
    Posted by: KaKi

  25. I use my bookmarks too, although I do have Google Reader. It is always a thrill to see new writing on a page that just loaded!
    Posted by: Heather G.

  26. i don’t use bloglines. cannot be bothered. i just go to each of my friend’s sites 97 times a day and hit refresh/refresh/refresh. i prefer to be annoyed that i am checking their site and damn it they are not posting! rather than “knowing” from bloglines whether they posted or not. bygones.

    my question is…..: when did you start dyeing your hair? and what prompted the first decision to do so?

    lame, i know, but i am not one w/ a lot of questions today.

    Posted by: carolyn

  27. Yes, I found you, but, then again, you’re bookmarked since I was referred here by, I believe Norma, not that she knows me either. Your entry may explain why I’ve been having difficulties accessing other Blogline blogs I read. Or maybe not. Your baby is beautiful. I enjoy the way you go off on tangents. Adds another hue to my day.
    Posted by: Kaytenspin

  28. Technoweenie #17 checking in…. I’m right there with the rest of you not signed on with bloglines… maybe I should LOL.. does take a good bit of time to check all my fav’s every day 🙂
    Posted by: Liz

  29. I am one of those dreaded…. lurkers. Yes, I admit it… I am ashamed, but afraid to make any commitments lest I let someone down. I am hereby coming out from behind the corner and letting you know… I’m listenening, and I love your blog. Thank you! I am just learning to spin, and have enjoyed reading your experiences. If you were really here on my kitchen stool,we would talk about spinning, mothering and balancing it all. Your little Thumper is darling, too.
    Posted by: Julie

  30. I also use Sage for Mozilla since I am Bloglines-tarded. I could never seem to get it to work for me so I gave up. Sage isn’t perfect (won’t work on my laptop, won’t pick up the feed for Claudia’s blog- which is how I found you- but it’s pretty good…)

    Questions? Ok. How are the dogs of dogs steal yarn and do you have anything on the needles?
    Posted by: Wen

  31. Yes, I found you, but, then again, you’re bookmarked since I was referred here by, I believe Norma, not that she knows me either. Your entry may explain why I’ve been having difficulties accessing other Blogline blogs I read. Or maybe not. Your baby is beautiful. I enjoy the way you go off on tangents. Adds another hue to my day.
    Posted by: Kaytenspin

  32. Technoweenie #17 checking in…. I’m right there with the rest of you not signed on with bloglines… maybe I should LOL.. does take a good bit of time to check all my fav’s every day 🙂
    Posted by: Liz

  33. I am one of those dreaded…. lurkers. Yes, I admit it… I am ashamed, but afraid to make any commitments lest I let someone down. I am hereby coming out from behind the corner and letting you know… I’m listenening, and I love your blog. Thank you! I am just learning to spin, and have enjoyed reading your experiences. If you were really here on my kitchen stool,we would talk about spinning, mothering and balancing it all. Your little Thumper is darling, too.
    Posted by: Julie

  34. I also use Sage for Mozilla since I am Bloglines-tarded. I could never seem to get it to work for me so I gave up. Sage isn’t perfect (won’t work on my laptop, won’t pick up the feed for Claudia’s blog- which is how I found you- but it’s pretty good…)

    Questions? Ok. How are the dogs of dogs steal yarn and do you have anything on the needles?
    Posted by: Wen

  35. I use bloglines and it’s still not updating you, I just decided to read through all my feeds because it’s a slow Sunday…
    Posted by: Amy

  36. Check in daily without prompting — like doing stunts without a net, I gather.

    Tell us how the dogs are doing, please.
    Posted by: Catherine

  37. I’m old-fashioned, I check each one (although I just caught up on several of yours today). I’m curious if you’ve made any cute doggie coats for the two on your page?
    Posted by: Toni K.

  38. I’m here too.. using Mozilla and multiple tabs.. I check in most days manually…

    Off to look up this Sage thingy.. 🙂
    Posted by: Kai

  39. I use Verizon Yahoo, and your updates just show up on my homepage. I’ve never used bloglines, but I haven’t heard a great deal of good about it. My only problem is that I can’t get everyone’s blog to feed to my homepage.
    Posted by: Becka

  40. What is a bloglines?

    And I’d love to hear how your revisions are going, if you want to talk about it. Is it a slog? Is it going well? Is it up-and-down? How does it feel to work through all this material again for the n-th time?

    Alternatively, you could tell me about any cute thing Thumper has done recently, since I’m getting very fond of the little guy just looking at the occasional picture 🙂
    Posted by: marrije

  41. oh! I’m having the same problem with Bloglines…I hope they will fix it up, it’s driving me nuts.
    Any advice to solve it?
    Besos y abrazos al pequeñín,
    Posted by: Lía

  42. I use bloglines and it’s still not updating you, I just decided to read through all my feeds because it’s a slow Sunday…
    Posted by: Amy

  43. Check in daily without prompting — like doing stunts without a net, I gather.

    Tell us how the dogs are doing, please.
    Posted by: Catherine

  44. I’m old-fashioned, I check each one (although I just caught up on several of yours today). I’m curious if you’ve made any cute doggie coats for the two on your page?
    Posted by: Toni K.

  45. I’m here too.. using Mozilla and multiple tabs.. I check in most days manually…

    Off to look up this Sage thingy.. 🙂
    Posted by: Kai

  46. I use Verizon Yahoo, and your updates just show up on my homepage. I’ve never used bloglines, but I haven’t heard a great deal of good about it. My only problem is that I can’t get everyone’s blog to feed to my homepage.
    Posted by: Becka

  47. What is a bloglines?

    And I’d love to hear how your revisions are going, if you want to talk about it. Is it a slog? Is it going well? Is it up-and-down? How does it feel to work through all this material again for the n-th time?

    Alternatively, you could tell me about any cute thing Thumper has done recently, since I’m getting very fond of the little guy just looking at the occasional picture 🙂
    Posted by: marrije

  48. oh! I’m having the same problem with Bloglines…I hope they will fix it up, it’s driving me nuts.
    Any advice to solve it?
    Besos y abrazos al pequeñín,
    Posted by: Lía

  49. I don’t do bloglines. I like the old-fashioned way. Click on the bookmark & go look! Since I don’t check everyday anyway, often I get a bonus of 2 or even 3 days of posts on some blogs! Yippee!
    Posted by: Warrior Knitter

  50. Yeah, I am still a Luddite using my bookmarks. I keep thinking about bloglines but I also keep reading about how it fails to update people. So instead I poke around, probably wasting more time but feeling like it’s more personal. Thumper is SUCH a cutie btw. Don’t think I’ve mentioned that to you.
    Posted by: dharma

  51. I don’t do bloglines. I like the old-fashioned way. Click on the bookmark & go look! Since I don’t check everyday anyway, often I get a bonus of 2 or even 3 days of posts on some blogs! Yippee!
    Posted by: Warrior Knitter

  52. Yeah, I am still a Luddite using my bookmarks. I keep thinking about bloglines but I also keep reading about how it fails to update people. So instead I poke around, probably wasting more time but feeling like it’s more personal. Thumper is SUCH a cutie btw. Don’t think I’ve mentioned that to you.
    Posted by: dharma

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