The camera is already packed…
…so you’ll have to take my word for it when I say that the Schaeffer Anne that Cirilia sent me (along with a copy of Knitscene) is the most perfect colorway of reds. I’ve already packed all the yarn I plan to take with me, but now with this yummy stuff in hand, I’m starting to rethink. My bag is full, so I’m wondering what would have to be sacrificed to make room for a hank of Anne.
The Knitscene thing… You may be wondering how that came about, yes? Last spring, the brilliant Veronik Avery (yes, I was utterly starstruck when I got her first email out of the blue. “Veronik…Avery…is emailing…me? Me? Me!”) asked me to take candid photos of people wearing interesting knitwear (handknit or commercial) on the streets of New York. I was the New York photographer; Alison was the Melbourne/Sydney photog, and there were to be people doing the same in Paris, Tokyo, LA and Montreal. I’m not sure what happened with the photos from the other cities, as only Alison’s and mine were ultimately used. Since I got the assignment in spring, it proved rather difficult to find folks on the street wearing knitwear. Veronik and Pam gave the go-ahead to stage some photos. And stage I did. Hence the photos of me, John, Andrea et al. I did manage to snap some photos of strangers, but as luck would have it, the photos chosen were all staged shots of friends. And me. Which is kind of weird. If I’d really thought they’d choose that photo of me, I would have ironed that skirt. Ahem.
It was a fun project, and Veronik has asked me to continue taking photos for future issues. If I’m going to lug my camera around every day again, I need to think about getting a lighter one. My digital camera is about 3,000 years old and weighs about the same as your average preschooler. (Bonus: Veronik sent me the most beautiful yarn, which you will not be able to see until the camera is unpacked and I’m back home with the stash again.)
You’ve read this far only because you’re dying to know what projects I decided to pack, right? I know…the suspense, the torture… Well, I packed Mariah, the Turkish Cape, and a surprise third option: a Shetland sweater vest I started last week when I was hit with the sudden craving for a sweater vest. You know that feeling. You wake up at two a.m., your mind racing, your heart pounding, thinking, “Must. Knit. A. Sweater. Vest.” Or something like that. So those three, plus yarn for three pairs of gift socks. I also tossed in yarn and patterns for some small, quick projects like pulse warmers, fair isle mittens, and gauntlets just like mine for the lovely John. Mariah will be started anew when I get to Ragdale. I had to frog the five or so inches of sleeve that I had. It was knitting up much looser than I like cabled projects to be. I mean, if you can’t get a nice crisp cable, what’s the point? So I’m going to start again, dropping down a needle size or two. May have to do some math on the gauge as a result. Let’s hope it doesn’t get as drastic as all that.
This will be my last post until I get to the colony. I’ll arrive Thursday afternoon, but give me a day or two to get settled in before I start blogging again.
Added later, because apparentely enquiring minds want to know: John of course had to be measured to ensure a properly fitting gauntlet, and may I just say for the benefit of the boys–and girls, rumor has it–that our John boasts a most impressive width. Forearms, of course. All those knitting muscles.
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Have a fantastic time. Truth be told, I am green with envy. Solitude, writing, knitting sketching, watercoloring. To steal a line…:”Be well, and do good work”.
Posted by: KT
Have a fantastic time. Truth be told, I am green with envy. Solitude, writing, knitting sketching, watercoloring. To steal a line…:”Be well, and do good work”.
Posted by: KT
Aww….I’m so blushy that everyone is going to know I will have gauntlets just like yours!!! *AND I will have everyone know also that she “measured” me. *ahem*……….
Posted by: john
In a worst case knitting emergency, you’re only about a mile from your closest yarn store. It’s small, but she carries nice yarns (manos, jamiesons, mission falls, brown sheep, etc). The Keweenaw Shepherd is on E. Westminster.
I go there sometimes on my lunchbreak. =)
Posted by: Erica
See, an ironed skirt would have said STAGED to me. Just sayin’.
Posted by: claudia
You are just too cool for words.
But of course I’ll come up with a few anyway…I’m so glad you were the NYC photographer for this project! I’ve been hearing about this project for a long time, and…well…you just make a girl proud, is all…
Posted by: Lee Ann
Have a great time, you. You’ll write as well, no? Or is it all knitting?
Posted by: Iris
So proud of our girl!
Posted by: Rachael
Aww….I’m so blushy that everyone is going to know I will have gauntlets just like yours!!! *AND I will have everyone know also that she “measured” me. *ahem*……….
Posted by: john
In a worst case knitting emergency, you’re only about a mile from your closest yarn store. It’s small, but she carries nice yarns (manos, jamiesons, mission falls, brown sheep, etc). The Keweenaw Shepherd is on E. Westminster.
I go there sometimes on my lunchbreak. =)
Posted by: Erica
See, an ironed skirt would have said STAGED to me. Just sayin’.
Posted by: claudia
You are just too cool for words.
But of course I’ll come up with a few anyway…I’m so glad you were the NYC photographer for this project! I’ve been hearing about this project for a long time, and…well…you just make a girl proud, is all…
Posted by: Lee Ann
Have a great time, you. You’ll write as well, no? Or is it all knitting?
Posted by: Iris
So proud of our girl!
Posted by: Rachael
That’s a lot of knitting. A lot of knitting. But you have yourself a fabulous time.
I hope John didn’t puff things up to exaggerate his measurements.
Posted by: Alison
Bye Bye. Travel safe, have a wonderful time, write and be well…
Posted by: Juno
Safe travels and happy writing and knitting. I love the pictures you took – very fashionable.
Posted by: Stephanie
For your enjoyment, a part of the conversation Michael and I had on the subway platform yesterday:
“Cari’s leaving for Ragdale soon.”
“Yes. Ragdoll.”
Posted by: Em
Enjoy your time as a “colonist”.
Posted by: Gina
Have a great time!! We’ll miss you!
Posted by: Mary
That’s a lot of knitting. A lot of knitting. But you have yourself a fabulous time.
I hope John didn’t puff things up to exaggerate his measurements.
Posted by: Alison
Bye Bye. Travel safe, have a wonderful time, write and be well…
Posted by: Juno
Safe travels and happy writing and knitting. I love the pictures you took – very fashionable.
Posted by: Stephanie
For your enjoyment, a part of the conversation Michael and I had on the subway platform yesterday:
“Cari’s leaving for Ragdale soon.”
“Yes. Ragdoll.”
Posted by: Em
Enjoy your time as a “colonist”.
Posted by: Gina
Have a great time!! We’ll miss you!
Posted by: Mary
Oh! Oh! Oh! The photos are here! Well, they’re on my computer. Must track down a copy of Knitscene. (So proud of you!!!)
Rock Ragdale, my dear.
Posted by: alison
Hi! I’m here because I saw you in knitscene and I liked what you were wearing! 🙂 I’m adding you to my blogroller list because I dig your blog, too.
Posted by: Jo
Oh! Oh! Oh! The photos are here! Well, they’re on my computer. Must track down a copy of Knitscene. (So proud of you!!!)
Rock Ragdale, my dear.
Posted by: alison
Hi! I’m here because I saw you in knitscene and I liked what you were wearing! 🙂 I’m adding you to my blogroller list because I dig your blog, too.
Posted by: Jo