The days before the rains come

The rains are supposed to start on Friday, so today Girlie and I headed out with our strollers for what will probably be our last sunny walk to the library until next year. Oh, we’ll still walk to the library plenty, but we’ll do it with raincoats and books wrapped in plastic bags and we probably won’t stroll quite as slowly. We’ve walked to the library almost every week this summer and fall. She and Kiddo get almost as excited as I do about stocking up on “fresh books.”

Portland being Portland, it’s a beautiful walk to the library. It takes about an hour to an hour and a half to get there from our house, depending on how long Girlie wants to walk on her own good strong legs. It takes about a half hour to get home, because she’s always ready for the stroller by then. I always mean to bring the camera and never do. Today I remembered.

(A sign of how long I’ve been blogging. I almost warned you that this post is photo-heavy. *insert dial-up noises*)
















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2 Comments on “The days before the rains come

  1. Your girlie is beautiful, Cari — she’s getting so big!

    This “before the rains” post reminded me of a short story that was seared into my brains from a Junior Great Books anthology so many years ago — “All Summer In A Day,” by Ray Bradubury (much better than Fahrenheit 451, IMO). Full text here:
    Now when your rains come, you can pretend you’re on Venus and that the sun isn’t coming back for another 7 years. 🙂

  2. I guess you have that kind of stroller that doesn’t tip over backwards when you hang a lot of heavy stuff (like library books) off the handles?

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