The end of the raffle is upon us.
This is it, folks. The raffle to benefit the Afghan Women’s Writing Project ends tonight. At 10pm PST, I’ll be using a random number generator to choose the winners. Prizes include signed books by Junot Diaz, Susan Choi, and Ernesto Mestre-Reed; the latest Yeah Yeah Yeahs CD, signed by all three band members; and a handmade quilt. A HANDMADE QUILT, people. You could walk away with that quilt for the cost of a $10 tax-deductible donation.
You know the drill by now, right? Details here.
Cue cricket noises.
I’ve learned a few things over the course of this raffle. I’ve learned that not everyone will care about the causes I care about. I’ve learned that it really sucks to ask people for money. I’ve learned that I want nothing to do with any career that even rubs up against fundraising.
But I’ve also got to say that the writers, artists, and publishers who donated the prizes did so with a generosity and enthusiasm I didn’t expect. And those who have donated money have not only been exceedingly generous, but also so supportive of this project in their emails. And that’s been pretty damn awesome.
There are women in Afghanistan who want to write, and they need access to computers and jump drives so they can participate in this program without risking their lives to do so. They want a voice in the world. That matters. If you agree, please consider donating.
Either way, I think we’ll all be glad to see the end of the fundraising drive, and the return of normal blogging around here.
Thanks for bearing with me. And so much gratitude and love to those of you who have already donated to the cause.
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I donated to the cause – I’m sorry I didn’t hear about this before, I just read Yarn Harlot’s Twitter and clicked over to donate. I wanted to, even though I know I’m past the deadline. Thanks for helping such a great cause!
I think I donated… and I can totally hear you, Cari. I run a project in Uganda — an orphanage — and it never fails to surprise me who steps up to support us financially and who doesn’t. Some of my closest friends seem… unmoved… by the blog I wrote about my visit there, by the stories of the kids, by the fact that we run this as volunteers and there’s no infrastructure cost at all. It’s kind of amazing to me, when $20 makes a huge difference.
(BTW, if you’re interested, the travel blog — it’s only about 20 entries — is the site link).
Good for you for doing this — I think I donated a few bucks, and I wish it could be more.
Call me Last-Minute-Lily, but I managed to donate just now.
It’s true, not everyone will care about what we care about, but it never ceases to amaze me how many people do. I’m with you on being squeamish about asking, though.
Sorry, I’m a latecomer too, hope it’s in time…
I care about this also. I’m sorry I’ve been unable to donate up to now but still have the site marked and it’s a top priority on payday.