The international postal gremlins were angry that day…


….and yet my Secret Pal continues to kick ass. Be jealous. Go ahead. She rocks. But even a rockin’, ass kickin’ Aussie of a Secret Pal can’t control the whims of the postal gremlins. You see above the amazing contents of the latest package minus one item: a box of what smelled like very yummy hot chocolate powder. Alas, the box had exploded in transit. Chocolate powder everywhere. When I opened the mailer bag and saw the powder, I went immediately to the bathtub to open it there so the yarn-stealing dogs wouldn’t be poisoned by the chocolatey goodness. Inside I found (besides an exploded box of what had been really lovely chocolate) that beautiful needle roll you see above, that great little notions bag, and pretty buttons and ribbon. I swear, this woman has access to my brain. The stuff she’s sent has been so spot on! And you know what makes it extra special? She made that needle roll herself. Yep. See, I told you she rocks.

I think the international postal gremlins were actually trying to do me a favor. Billy and I are both feeling the need to cut back on sugar and processed foods for a while. We were very generous with ourselves with the desserts and baked goods on our honeymoon, so we’ve decided to cut out all refined flour and sugar for a few weeks to get back on our usual path of whole foods etc. Well, our usual path though we have always made allowances for a certain amount of baked goods. Not for a while, though. We both feel like it’s time to give the system a good scrubbing. So this hot chocolate would have taunted me for the whole time until I gave myself permission for a bit of sugar again. It would have been torture (sweet torture, though. Sigh).

I met up with Iris and Jackie at KnitNY today and managed to not eat a muffin. I’m insanely proud of my restraint. My beloved Cree also joined us and I taught him to knit. He picked up the long-tail cast on faster than anyone I’ve ever taught before. Hey Cree–how’s that practice knitting coming along?

So go eat a muffin or a cookie in my honor, since I won’t be doing it for a while. And while you’re at it, teach someone to knit.


12 Comments on “The international postal gremlins were angry that day…

  1. mmmmmm pastries…..

    I’m doing the anti-carb thing too for a while (until a certain wedding at least). So we will both be extra skinny when we see each other next weekend and eat lots of cake!!! mmmmmmm cake…..

    PS> Didn’t bring my knitting to work but should have because I am alone and bored again.
    Posted by: Serena

  2. You showed amazing restraint today with muffins AND yarn. Hey, I might just have to go out and get some sugar for the both of us.
    Posted by: Jackie

  3. OK. One Dunkin Donut old fashioned today, just for you, baby! I do believe I’ll have another one tomorrow (oh the joys of being on the road).
    Posted by: claudia

  4. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT THE CHOCOLATE!!!!! Hadn’t figured on that one exploding AT ALL!!
    Posted by: Secret Pal

  5. mmmmmm pastries…..

    I’m doing the anti-carb thing too for a while (until a certain wedding at least). So we will both be extra skinny when we see each other next weekend and eat lots of cake!!! mmmmmmm cake…..

    PS> Didn’t bring my knitting to work but should have because I am alone and bored again.
    Posted by: Serena

  6. You showed amazing restraint today with muffins AND yarn. Hey, I might just have to go out and get some sugar for the both of us.
    Posted by: Jackie

  7. OK. One Dunkin Donut old fashioned today, just for you, baby! I do believe I’ll have another one tomorrow (oh the joys of being on the road).
    Posted by: claudia

  8. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT THE CHOCOLATE!!!!! Hadn’t figured on that one exploding AT ALL!!
    Posted by: Secret Pal

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