The knitting, which has languished…
Amy (gently) poked me recently about doing another design for Knitty. (Last stint here, for those of you who didn’t read me back when.) I was too busy with revisions at the time to take her up on it, but now that I’m between drafts, resting for a bit while waiting for my readers to get back to me, the idea of doing some more knitting designs seems rather appealing. Use a different part of my brain for a while. Creative work, but with less at stake for me, since I don’t consider myself a knitwear designer–just someone who dabbles in it a bit for fun and (very) small profit. (Though the designs do earn me more money than the writing does at this point…)
Which is to say, I’ve been doing some thinking and some sketching, and I think I’ll be working up a few new patterns. Maybe two for the wee web shop and one for Knitty. Aiming for Fall with all of them. Here’s my question for you knitters: Are you more interested in kids patterns or adult patterns from me? I’ve got several ideas for each, but with the limited time I have I’d like to focus on those most likely to be of interest. The Blank Canvas Vest is by far my best seller of those patterns for sale, but the Baby Yoda Sweater blows everything else out of the water… I’m not sure if that’s because of the design or because it’s free, though. There was a lot of interest in Trilce, and it’s got a decent number of favorites behind it on Ravelry, but sales have been low. That may partly be because the photos are absolute crap, and I should probably do better ones because the sweater is way better in person, but it also makes me wonder if I’m better off focusing on the kids stuff for sales. Though Tussie Mussie was well received… But again…free pattern.
Kind of thinking out loud here, obviously. Additional thoughts most welcome.
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Hmmm, I like both, but I think kids patterns are likely to make more money, not because they are better, but simply smaller, so people are likely to make them. I have made the Blank Canvas vest 2 times already, and will make it again and again as the kids grow. I have Trilce in my que, and intend on making it, yet have not had the time to make anything for myself as yet. So, financially I would do the adult patterns in Knitty, and the child ones here on your blog. Hahaha, never thought of myself as an advisor of anything, but there you go, some of my thoughts!
I have to say that I absolutely love my Trilce and wear it all the time. Everyone should make one. Mmm…Manos…
I am interested in both patterns for adults and patterns for kids/babies.
I would be interested in both — I love tussie mussie and am going to make it when I’m done the 15 or so things on the needles (and it’s what brought me to your blog) — but I am also very intrigued by small stuff that I can actually maybe *finish* for the nieces.
Delurking to say that I would be interested in adult patterns, though I love your kids patterns! Still, I really would like to focus on making more things for myself instead of all the kids that I know.
i mostly knit kid stuff these days and i do love your kid patterns. i have turned into an instant gratification knitter since i had my son. i don’t have the time or energy to knit something like a sweater for myself. hell, i’ve had the same pair of socks on the needles since 2007. so i say yay for more kid patterns!
I prefer the instant gratification of baby/kid knits. I will admit I have not gotten over the fear factor of making anything adult sized- too much time, materials, etc to commit to something that might not fit.
I love both, but I agree with the other comments, the baby/kid patterns will probably make more money. But it is win/win for me, I love any of your designs!
How did I not know you were a knitwear designer??? Adult patterns, please.
I like kid patterns designed by parents or others who have experience in dressing a kiddo and know what is practical and will see wear, and what is just pretty (as you said yourself in the plain vanilla post). I knit a lot for babies and kids but don’t have any myself, so I’m interested in patterns resulting in parent approved “user friendly” garments.
I suppose this is as good an opportunity to ask if you would consider a “blank” vest for women? I know you mentioned it after you knit Thumper’s, and basic yet stylish vest patterns are hard to find!
Hmm. I second the blank vest for women thing. I’ve been thinking about making myself a vest, but don’t want to come up with the whole thing from scratch (I’m resigned to having to do my own maths for best fit). Although, I LOVE the acorn hat and will purchase and knit it many times some day.
I think if your Tussie Mussie were a pattern for purchase you’d be selling lots. And better photos for Trilce may help. It looks super comfy.
And, I was too lazy to comment the other day, but your asparagus has me blind with jealousy. If you start growing rhubarb, I may be caught sneaking into your yard under cover of dark.
I love all your patterns. I think I have to second what Sharon said. An adult pattern for Knitty and kid patterns to sell. Good kid patterns can be hard to come by. There are so many out there that just aren’t realistic. They are too fancy for everyday wear or don’t go on easily. And there needs to be some cute stuff out there for the boys. I have no boys, but I find it disappointing that there isn’t much boy stuff out there.
Also de-lurking to say that a pattern for women would be great, maybe DK/sport weight,and somewhat “classic.” Just my own preferences!
Please do more cute things for little boys (or gender neutral). Yours was the only basic blank vest I could find.
Hi, the non-crazy lurker here –
kids stuff. totally. I may be biased though, I’ve only knit kids stuff since i was pregnant w/ my 3rd. who has time for adult size stuff? I totally love baby yoda – I’ve knit something like 3,000 of them – and I totally would have bought it if it wasn’t free (but I’m glad that it was)
There is a lack of good stuff for boys out there…
I vote for the kid stuff. I really like your patterns for kid things, and I appreciate the instant gratification.