Thumper’s big airplane adventure
We’ll be in Portland next week, visiting with friends out there and looking at houses. I’m so excited! Have I mentioned that I’ve never been there? Yes, I believe I have. And yes, I do trust Billy that much, that we’re moving to a city I don’t know at all, based on his belief that I’ll love it.
Of course, if next week I find that I don’t love it, we can change our plans. But I don’t see that happening. Everything I’ve heard about the place just sounds so damn wonderful. (Yes, no place is perfect. Yes it won’t be all sweetly misting rain and roses. I know this. But still.)
We’ll be looking at houses with the great realtor who Mandy introduced us to. We’ll be exploring the city. Pawing through the stacks at Powells. Drinking too much coffee. Also I’m planning to meet up with Mariko, at long last in the real world. Turns out there are so many of you who live in Portland, and I want to meet you too! There probably won’t be time during this trip, since we’ll be house-hunting, but once we’re moved in I would so love it if we could pull together some kind of knitting gathering so I can get to know the PDX knitters. Maybe a yarn crawl?
Speaking of yarn (which I don’t seem to do nearly enough these days on this alleged knitting blog), Kent, the friend who’s putting us up next week, wants to learn to knit. He asked me–no cajoling needed on my part. I’ll do my best to document the process. Fingers crossed for a successful knitty conversion. He wants to make matching hats for himself and his girlfriend. Yes, I teased him about that ever so slightly. He can take it.
Jenn will be staying with Diego and Oscar to make sure they don’t throw any wild parties or give all my Fiestaware away to the neighbors. Diego’s quite excited about the prospect of sharing a bed with Jenn for the week. I hope he isn’t too disappointed when we come back.
This will be Thumper’s first flight. Any advice on air travel with a ten and a half month old?
Nursing and goldfish crackers. One at a time and very slowly 🙂 Hey, good luck. I can’t wait till you move here!
Posted by: LeAnne
Window seat, lots of toys, juice or milk in a sippy for takeoff and landing – seems like that’s the worst time for your ears and you probably won’t be able to comfortably nurse him at that point. A binky, if you use them. Oh yeah, and lots of patience, and the ability to ignore people who think that a crying baby is more annoying than airplane noise or their own loud cell phone conversations.
Posted by: Carrie
DVDs of Sesame Street? My younger kidlet was a horrible traveler for years – that was a stunner. My older one would fall asleep in the car all the time. My younger one has fallen asleep in public exactly twice – once at about 3 months old, out shopping, for about 10 minutes; once for 1/2 hour on a flight to NORWAY, which he stayed awake for the rest of. As a baby, after 15 minutes in the car, he’d freak, totally. It wore off at about age 3 and now he’s the world’s best traveling companion(tm) at age 12 almost 13.
And, my older son, who is 25, adores Portland. He’s very big on sustainability and transit issues, and Portland is progressive in both. Plus you won’t be far from Seattle, relatively.
Posted by: Patti
Lots of patience. Hopefully during the flight you’ll have a chance to get up and walk around with him.
Have fun!
Posted by: Emily
Strong Narcotics? for you, not for him 😉
Posted by: Miriam
Matthew’s first plane trip was from Toronto to Florida when he was 10 months old. Yours is probably a couple of hours longer, but the big thing will be take off and landing. If you can get him to nurse through those it’ll be easier on you both. If it encourages him to sleep, all the better.
This is so exciting! Looking forward to hearing about it. And have a great time.
Posted by: Rachel H
Take a bunch of little toys or snacks (10-20) and wrap them in different wrapping paper before you go. Pack them in your carry on. When he starts getting restless, give him one to unwrap and explore. If you don’t mind picking up ten million shreds of paper, it’s a great way to keep him busy. (And if that fails, a dose of Benadryl will make him sleep…)
Posted by: Suzanne
Portland is great. Have a wonderful time! 🙂
Posted by: Romi
Request the bulkhead seat – gives you some extra floor space. watch the ears at take off and landing as suggested. Also brand new toys that have never been seen are always great.
Posted by: Darci
Munchkin’s first plane ride was at 6 months and was from Denver to Atlanta.. he cried because of the pressure in his ears. I agree with the others.. patience to ignore the other passengers is the main thing you need for the trip. The nasty looks and rude comments from the other folks on the plane were enough to almost give me an ulcer.
Posted by: Mouse
Nursing and goldfish crackers. One at a time and very slowly 🙂 Hey, good luck. I can’t wait till you move here!
Posted by: LeAnne
Window seat, lots of toys, juice or milk in a sippy for takeoff and landing – seems like that’s the worst time for your ears and you probably won’t be able to comfortably nurse him at that point. A binky, if you use them. Oh yeah, and lots of patience, and the ability to ignore people who think that a crying baby is more annoying than airplane noise or their own loud cell phone conversations.
Posted by: Carrie
DVDs of Sesame Street? My younger kidlet was a horrible traveler for years – that was a stunner. My older one would fall asleep in the car all the time. My younger one has fallen asleep in public exactly twice – once at about 3 months old, out shopping, for about 10 minutes; once for 1/2 hour on a flight to NORWAY, which he stayed awake for the rest of. As a baby, after 15 minutes in the car, he’d freak, totally. It wore off at about age 3 and now he’s the world’s best traveling companion(tm) at age 12 almost 13.
And, my older son, who is 25, adores Portland. He’s very big on sustainability and transit issues, and Portland is progressive in both. Plus you won’t be far from Seattle, relatively.
Posted by: Patti
Lots of patience. Hopefully during the flight you’ll have a chance to get up and walk around with him.
Have fun!
Posted by: Emily
Strong Narcotics? for you, not for him 😉
Posted by: Miriam
Matthew’s first plane trip was from Toronto to Florida when he was 10 months old. Yours is probably a couple of hours longer, but the big thing will be take off and landing. If you can get him to nurse through those it’ll be easier on you both. If it encourages him to sleep, all the better.
This is so exciting! Looking forward to hearing about it. And have a great time.
Posted by: Rachel H
Take a bunch of little toys or snacks (10-20) and wrap them in different wrapping paper before you go. Pack them in your carry on. When he starts getting restless, give him one to unwrap and explore. If you don’t mind picking up ten million shreds of paper, it’s a great way to keep him busy. (And if that fails, a dose of Benadryl will make him sleep…)
Posted by: Suzanne
Portland is great. Have a wonderful time! 🙂
Posted by: Romi
Request the bulkhead seat – gives you some extra floor space. watch the ears at take off and landing as suggested. Also brand new toys that have never been seen are always great.
Posted by: Darci
Munchkin’s first plane ride was at 6 months and was from Denver to Atlanta.. he cried because of the pressure in his ears. I agree with the others.. patience to ignore the other passengers is the main thing you need for the trip. The nasty looks and rude comments from the other folks on the plane were enough to almost give me an ulcer.
Posted by: Mouse
erp, can’t prewrap gifts due to security, but a trip o the dollar store for cheap new toys, brought out at carefully spaced intervals, would be good.
Posted by: Rachel
my advice for traveling with a baby:
get him his own seat. chances are he’ll sleep at least part of the way. the FAA says you can’t have him in any sort of sling or carrier during take-off or landing or turbulence, and since you’ll probably need the carseat while you’re in Portland anyway, may as well not leave it to the “experienced hands” of the baggage claim people.
snacks. snacks. snacks. Andy was 14.5 months when we went to NYC, so we took peas, cheerios, raisins, etc. and the flight attendants gave him animal crackers and doted on him the whole time.
if you have in-seat screens, that might mesmerize him. we left it on the travel station & there wasn’t any sound, but Andy loved it anyway. He doesn’t normally watch TV at all, but he enjoyed watching the people, I guess.
did I mention snacks?
I don’t know if you use cloth or disposable diapers, but in any case bring extras. if Thumper has his own seat, that means he gets his 2 items to be carried on just like you & Billy do. When we brought Andy, his wheeled carryon was full of diapers. if you’re using cloth, a zippered bag – the kind that sheets come in – works as a great wetbag.
we brought toys, but Andy didn’t seem to want them. his favorite books (Go, Dog! Go! and Are You My Mother?) held interest as always but he didn’t care for the new stuff we brought. Not to say don’t bring any new stuff to surprise him with, because everyone recommends that, just don’t be disappointed if he sticks to old favorites.
Posted by: jen
Good luck with the house hunting!
Don’t worry too much about the flight – you can always nurse him if he acts up. Bring plenty of snacks – more than you think you’ll need. And a few toys and books to keep him occupied.
I think you’ll be surprised at how well the flight goes. I’ve flown three times with my little monkey and she’s always been fine. Really, the scenarios in your head are probably far worse than what the reality will be, you know?
Keep us posted!
Posted by: Sharon
Can’t wait to hear your impressions of Portland. We’re moving to Beaverton on May 19th, and I’m so excited I can hardly stand it 🙂
Posted by: Jean
We just got back from a trip to MA/CT (from Portland) with our 7-month-old. I packed a few of his favorite toys and books a few days before we left so they would be novel on the plane. I also brought enough diapers, changes of clothes, etc. for him in case we were stuck overnight anywhere, or if his diaper leaked. Nursing was a lifesaver for the descents. He doesn’t use a pacifier but I brought one along and was able to get him to suck on it a bit when he had nursed a lot just prior to a descent.
Posted by: Tanya
I can barely remember my kid’s infancies (close together, dad usually took them on the plane) so I’m no help there. But I would *love* it if you visited my bakery while you’re here, or once you move here. It’s called Sweetness and it’s located on the corner of SE 52nd and Powell. Have a fun trip and good luck finding a house! And, of course, good luck on the First Flight With Your Baby.
Posted by: Kay
A boy who wants to knit matching hats for himself and his girlfriend? Wow, your friend must be a really wonderful guy. I hope he girlfriend is appreciative!
Posted by: Knittripps
While my girl is just 6 months, she’s had 4 plane rides. Here’s what we’ve learned:
Security can be a bit of a hassle (sometimes they make you remove the sling, sometimes not), so I find the shortest line with the most sympathetic agents (in Newark, this is always the two end check-points, not the one in the center). Once in a while, an agent will shoo you to the front of the line.
Go with the flow with the flight attendants. Sometimes they say nothing, sometimes they want to move you to where there are extra oxygen masks.
Have a good time playing with Thumber, showing him all the fun people and things on planes, and I’m sure you’ll receive lots of fantastic comments from the folks surrounding you (like the one we got on a trip to Minnesota: Holy cow – there was a baby behind us the whole time! I never heard a peep!)
Posted by: Jenni
New toys! Only bring them out as needed. Lots of nursing, especially during changes in altitude. Snacks, too!
You’ll love Powells. It’s amazing.
Posted by: Lia
So… Does this mean I’m not allowed to throw any wild parties as well? 😉
Posted by: Jenn
You’re so close with little Thumper (sling and nursing) that you’ll have a great trip. I don’t know the airline rules these days about taking babies aboard. 15 yrs ago they could sit on your lap if they’re under age 2. Snacks, nursing (or pacifier if you use them). Have a wonderful time and get plenty of rest! Yay for house hunting! 🙂
Posted by: Laura
I noticed only 1 person mentioned Benadryl. I didn’t realize my daughter was motion-sick until she was about 18 months old and actually threw up. But she was always fussy in a car or plane after about 15 minutes. Benadryl and Dramamine are the same meds. Once we figured it out, she was much happier. Stupidly, it took me almost as long to figure out that my second one was that way, too!
If you have space, take a change of clothes in your carry on for yourself. This is experience talking. I had extra clothes for the baby, but not for the mother wearing the full nursing that came back up!
I probably don’t have to say, take any special blanket or “lovey” that he has.
Good Luck!
Posted by: Nancy
Noah’s first plane trip was from Newark to Austin when he was 9 months old. Like all the other moms say, nursing on takeoff and landing helps to alleviate pressure on baby’s ears and keeps them nice and calm. I took stuff like a whoozit, plastic stacking cups, rattles, teething biscuits and the like. He took it all remarkably well. When he got fidgety, i walked him up and down the aisle of the plane and he was fine. Good luck with the trip!
Posted by: regina
Bring twice as many diapers on the plane as you think you need, especially if you have a connecting flight. They probably won’t seat you in a bulkhead aisle – they want only able-bodied adults who can assist in the event of an emergency. Don’t stress too much – the flight won’t last forever!
I’m traveling with my 6 and 2 year old cross country in June – and the little one never sits still! Oh boy!
Posted by: Marie
I work for an airline. The best thing I’ve heard is because babies can’t pop their ears like adults, bringing a bottle or pacifier or something he will suck on strongly to help him pop the ears. The ears tend to be worse for them on the landing than on take-off.
During descent, as the air pressure rises, the middle ear space needs extra air to re-equilibrate the pressure. It tries to suck air back in through the floppy tube inside the ear.
However, during descent, the eustachian tube does NOT open spontaneously. A tiny muscle pulls open the eustachian tube only during swallowing, yawning, or crying. The rising pressure stretches the eardrum inward and can cause pain and decreased hearing until air rushes into the middle ear space and the ears pop. Thus, crying can help him fix the problem.
Giving Thumper acetaminophen (Tylenol) just before the flight (and repeating it every 4-6 hours) may not prevent the eardrum stretching, but it can prevent discomfort.
Many people recommend giving benadryl to ease the pressure in the ears. Benadryl does not equalize ear pressure. Its main effect is sedation. So while it seems to help with the ears, in reality it is just putting Thumper to sleep. It will only help him if he’s stuffy prior to the flight (and thus already having ear draining problems). It can also help with motion sickness.
Hopefully talk to your doctor before giving any kind of medication though.
Posted by: Jennifer
erp, can’t prewrap gifts due to security, but a trip o the dollar store for cheap new toys, brought out at carefully spaced intervals, would be good.
Posted by: Rachel
my advice for traveling with a baby:
get him his own seat. chances are he’ll sleep at least part of the way. the FAA says you can’t have him in any sort of sling or carrier during take-off or landing or turbulence, and since you’ll probably need the carseat while you’re in Portland anyway, may as well not leave it to the “experienced hands” of the baggage claim people.
snacks. snacks. snacks. Andy was 14.5 months when we went to NYC, so we took peas, cheerios, raisins, etc. and the flight attendants gave him animal crackers and doted on him the whole time.
if you have in-seat screens, that might mesmerize him. we left it on the travel station & there wasn’t any sound, but Andy loved it anyway. He doesn’t normally watch TV at all, but he enjoyed watching the people, I guess.
did I mention snacks?
I don’t know if you use cloth or disposable diapers, but in any case bring extras. if Thumper has his own seat, that means he gets his 2 items to be carried on just like you & Billy do. When we brought Andy, his wheeled carryon was full of diapers. if you’re using cloth, a zippered bag – the kind that sheets come in – works as a great wetbag.
we brought toys, but Andy didn’t seem to want them. his favorite books (Go, Dog! Go! and Are You My Mother?) held interest as always but he didn’t care for the new stuff we brought. Not to say don’t bring any new stuff to surprise him with, because everyone recommends that, just don’t be disappointed if he sticks to old favorites.
Posted by: jen
Good luck with the house hunting!
Don’t worry too much about the flight – you can always nurse him if he acts up. Bring plenty of snacks – more than you think you’ll need. And a few toys and books to keep him occupied.
I think you’ll be surprised at how well the flight goes. I’ve flown three times with my little monkey and she’s always been fine. Really, the scenarios in your head are probably far worse than what the reality will be, you know?
Keep us posted!
Posted by: Sharon
Can’t wait to hear your impressions of Portland. We’re moving to Beaverton on May 19th, and I’m so excited I can hardly stand it 🙂
Posted by: Jean
We just got back from a trip to MA/CT (from Portland) with our 7-month-old. I packed a few of his favorite toys and books a few days before we left so they would be novel on the plane. I also brought enough diapers, changes of clothes, etc. for him in case we were stuck overnight anywhere, or if his diaper leaked. Nursing was a lifesaver for the descents. He doesn’t use a pacifier but I brought one along and was able to get him to suck on it a bit when he had nursed a lot just prior to a descent.
Posted by: Tanya
I can barely remember my kid’s infancies (close together, dad usually took them on the plane) so I’m no help there. But I would *love* it if you visited my bakery while you’re here, or once you move here. It’s called Sweetness and it’s located on the corner of SE 52nd and Powell. Have a fun trip and good luck finding a house! And, of course, good luck on the First Flight With Your Baby.
Posted by: Kay
A boy who wants to knit matching hats for himself and his girlfriend? Wow, your friend must be a really wonderful guy. I hope he girlfriend is appreciative!
Posted by: Knittripps
While my girl is just 6 months, she’s had 4 plane rides. Here’s what we’ve learned:
Security can be a bit of a hassle (sometimes they make you remove the sling, sometimes not), so I find the shortest line with the most sympathetic agents (in Newark, this is always the two end check-points, not the one in the center). Once in a while, an agent will shoo you to the front of the line.
Go with the flow with the flight attendants. Sometimes they say nothing, sometimes they want to move you to where there are extra oxygen masks.
Have a good time playing with Thumber, showing him all the fun people and things on planes, and I’m sure you’ll receive lots of fantastic comments from the folks surrounding you (like the one we got on a trip to Minnesota: Holy cow – there was a baby behind us the whole time! I never heard a peep!)
Posted by: Jenni
New toys! Only bring them out as needed. Lots of nursing, especially during changes in altitude. Snacks, too!
You’ll love Powells. It’s amazing.
Posted by: Lia
So… Does this mean I’m not allowed to throw any wild parties as well? 😉
Posted by: Jenn
You’re so close with little Thumper (sling and nursing) that you’ll have a great trip. I don’t know the airline rules these days about taking babies aboard. 15 yrs ago they could sit on your lap if they’re under age 2. Snacks, nursing (or pacifier if you use them). Have a wonderful time and get plenty of rest! Yay for house hunting! 🙂
Posted by: Laura
I noticed only 1 person mentioned Benadryl. I didn’t realize my daughter was motion-sick until she was about 18 months old and actually threw up. But she was always fussy in a car or plane after about 15 minutes. Benadryl and Dramamine are the same meds. Once we figured it out, she was much happier. Stupidly, it took me almost as long to figure out that my second one was that way, too!
If you have space, take a change of clothes in your carry on for yourself. This is experience talking. I had extra clothes for the baby, but not for the mother wearing the full nursing that came back up!
I probably don’t have to say, take any special blanket or “lovey” that he has.
Good Luck!
Posted by: Nancy
Noah’s first plane trip was from Newark to Austin when he was 9 months old. Like all the other moms say, nursing on takeoff and landing helps to alleviate pressure on baby’s ears and keeps them nice and calm. I took stuff like a whoozit, plastic stacking cups, rattles, teething biscuits and the like. He took it all remarkably well. When he got fidgety, i walked him up and down the aisle of the plane and he was fine. Good luck with the trip!
Posted by: regina
Bring twice as many diapers on the plane as you think you need, especially if you have a connecting flight. They probably won’t seat you in a bulkhead aisle – they want only able-bodied adults who can assist in the event of an emergency. Don’t stress too much – the flight won’t last forever!
I’m traveling with my 6 and 2 year old cross country in June – and the little one never sits still! Oh boy!
Posted by: Marie
I work for an airline. The best thing I’ve heard is because babies can’t pop their ears like adults, bringing a bottle or pacifier or something he will suck on strongly to help him pop the ears. The ears tend to be worse for them on the landing than on take-off.
During descent, as the air pressure rises, the middle ear space needs extra air to re-equilibrate the pressure. It tries to suck air back in through the floppy tube inside the ear.
However, during descent, the eustachian tube does NOT open spontaneously. A tiny muscle pulls open the eustachian tube only during swallowing, yawning, or crying. The rising pressure stretches the eardrum inward and can cause pain and decreased hearing until air rushes into the middle ear space and the ears pop. Thus, crying can help him fix the problem.
Giving Thumper acetaminophen (Tylenol) just before the flight (and repeating it every 4-6 hours) may not prevent the eardrum stretching, but it can prevent discomfort.
Many people recommend giving benadryl to ease the pressure in the ears. Benadryl does not equalize ear pressure. Its main effect is sedation. So while it seems to help with the ears, in reality it is just putting Thumper to sleep. It will only help him if he’s stuffy prior to the flight (and thus already having ear draining problems). It can also help with motion sickness.
Hopefully talk to your doctor before giving any kind of medication though.
Posted by: Jennifer
yay cari! good luck with house hunting and exploring. wish i were there already. sending good travel vibes.
Posted by: k
Boobie. That’ll keep him happy. Otherwise, keep handing him back and forth between the two of you. It’ll be fine. If you don’t know about them yet, check ‘flight safety regulations for liquids’.
(I’d have checked in with you earlier, but i got back to no internet, and now i cannot send emails)
Posted by: valentina
just scanned the info on the ear popping … on her three transatlantic flights, squeeky didn’t show any signs of any discomfort. she didn’t suck nor ask to suck (by way of crying) during any of the flights. giving him drugs seems a bit excessive, though well meant the advise is. just relax. it’ll be all good.
Posted by: valentina
My four year old has been on…at least 30 flights in his life, starting from 3 months, mostly travelling just with me. I agree with the nursing suggestions, especially during landing if possible. You will all be more comfortable for such a long flight if Thumper has his own seat. Bring extra clothes for him AND YOU, more diapers than you think you need (in case of delays/lost luggage), Thumper-appropriate snacks and sippy cup or whatever you use so he can have water/juice on the flight, too. If Thumper has a favorite small stuffed animal it’s worth having. Everytime my Flyboy goes on an airplane we surprise him with a new book/toy that doesn’t get pulled out until he’s really bored/fussy. He never needed any drugs to handle flights, but it wouldn’t hurt to have them on hand just in case. Bring your creativity–I can’t tell you how many “games” have been invented to avoid meltdown on airplanes! Take him for a walk up and down the aisle a few times for a change of scenery and new people to flirt with, too!
And you should wear shoes you can take off/put on hands free! I once had to go through the extra security, travelling alone with an 18 month old and boy am I glad I had my Birkenstocks!
Have a great trip!
Posted by: Anne
With both my children, we’ve never had any problems with flying or ears – I always have on hand a sippy cup/bottle (boob in your case) but don’t force them. Small snacks are good, as is a new toy or book they haven’t seen before to amuse them and keep their interest. Most small babies I know fall asleep fairly quickly at that age (well, I’m going to keep my fingers crossed for you anyway 🙂 )
Good luck house hunting and say hello to Mariko for me 🙂
Posted by: Alison
be prepared to take off thumper’s shoes as well as your own! (the last few flights, i was told to take off olivia’s shoes) We use a vest that goes over her and clips to my seatbelt. not faa recommended for take off and landing, but useful for keeping her from running off our laps. thankfully, the last few flights, we asked for window and aisle, and she was able to sit between us (without paying for an extra seat).
agree with the other posts. we use lots of cherios. empty sippy cups to pour water into. new cheap toys. stickers. a friend has a rule that a new toy comes out every 15 minutes. she wraps them in tin foil- fine for security, fun to play with.
Posted by: rebecca
be prepared to take off thumper’s shoes as well as your own! (the last few flights, i was told to take off olivia’s shoes) We use a vest that goes over her and clips to my seatbelt. not faa recommended for take off and landing, but useful for keeping her from running off our laps. thankfully, the last few flights, we asked for window and aisle, and she was able to sit between us (without paying for an extra seat).
agree with the other posts. we use lots of cherios. empty sippy cups to pour water into. new cheap toys. stickers. a friend has a rule that a new toy comes out every 15 minutes. she wraps them in tin foil- fine for security, fun to play with.
Posted by: rebecca
Again to repeat others, take off and landing can be the most brutal. Nurse! Something to get his ears going. Not that you do this but: Binky- Bottle- get him sucking! I agree that his own seat is great though $$$. They make a rather pricey but WONDERFUL car seat that converts to a stroller and is FAA approved. Well worth it if you are going to be travelling cross country alot. The one I had was good up to almost 40 lbs I think.
See if any of your folks out there have one- it is awesome as it cuts down on the in/out/up/down and you can also use it as a high chair. I got mine at Right Start and sadly just gave it away or I would send it to you. Or maybe grandparents might provide if they thought it would get ya out there more. 🙂
Make sure that if you do use a car seat that it is FAA approved- not all are. It will say on the box & seat if it is. I do not suggest using a car seat from a rental car agency- ask me how I know. Ugh.
I know you sling Thumper alot and I would still bring a stroller. Remember, you can always gate check it.
lastly- WOW this has been long…Enjoy the flight, know that you will LOVE PDX and when you get up to SEA you, Billy and Thumper are welcome at our home anytime.
Posted by: KT
back when you could give dimetap and knock them out, I would have suggested that. it worked for dante at 5 months old. nurse on takeoff, or give a bottle if you can’t nurse, what with the seatbelt sign on. this will allow his little ears to pop. and take the red eye if you can so he’ll sleep trough the flight. and toys and snacks.
Posted by: Cambria
Wow, this is so exciting. I mean, vicariously. As bummed as I am (and I am) that you will be gone from our fair city before I have the chance to meet you in real life, it is fun to watch this big move unfold bit by bit on your blog. I have been to Portland (long ago, but still…), and I remember thinking it was swell.
Good luck with the house-hunt! And the flight. I have no advice to offer, not being experienced in the ways of 10-month-olds. But I imagine that if you are able to maintain a relaxed demeanor, Thumper will pick up on that and will feel ok about the situation. If it helps, my young nieces all seem to like traveling – I guess it is the novelty.
Posted by: Lizbon
Totally off-topic here, but I hope you can help. I’m knitting the baby yoda sweater you have posted, and just have a quick question about the pattern. I’m at the end of the left front section, and am unsure whether I’m supposed to be knitting 14 on the inside (the side where I’ve been decreasing) and then binding off on the shoulder side, or whether the binding off should be on the inside and the 14 knit stitches should be on the shoulder side. Hope you can help! I really love the sweater!!
Posted by: Heather
Thumper is already ten and a half months old?!
Posted by: alison
Remember that you will spend more time coming down than going up! The descent is more gradual, so he may start fussing earlier than you expect.
Lots of toys, although you may want to have a tether or some way to attach it to him or the carseat, if you’ve bought him a separate seat. That age has often discovered that YOU are quite entertaining when they drop something (and repeat, and repeat…)
Have a great trip!
Posted by: Kathy in San Jose
Breastfeed on take-off and landing to help Thumper’s ears pop.
If you can get it, ask for seats over the wings, the engine noise helps drown out any howling that Thumper might do (I know this from experience, two rows back you wont be able to hear the screams over the engine noise).
Take lots of toys to keep him occupied. Take a sippy cup of water as well, planes can be really dehydrating and Thumper might want to drink more to make up for it. Oh, and dress him in layers, planes can be hotter than you think, and if he doesn’t like being hot, then easily removable layers are a must.
Posted by: Ginchy
yay cari! good luck with house hunting and exploring. wish i were there already. sending good travel vibes.
Posted by: k
Boobie. That’ll keep him happy. Otherwise, keep handing him back and forth between the two of you. It’ll be fine. If you don’t know about them yet, check ‘flight safety regulations for liquids’.
(I’d have checked in with you earlier, but i got back to no internet, and now i cannot send emails)
Posted by: valentina
just scanned the info on the ear popping … on her three transatlantic flights, squeeky didn’t show any signs of any discomfort. she didn’t suck nor ask to suck (by way of crying) during any of the flights. giving him drugs seems a bit excessive, though well meant the advise is. just relax. it’ll be all good.
Posted by: valentina
My four year old has been on…at least 30 flights in his life, starting from 3 months, mostly travelling just with me. I agree with the nursing suggestions, especially during landing if possible. You will all be more comfortable for such a long flight if Thumper has his own seat. Bring extra clothes for him AND YOU, more diapers than you think you need (in case of delays/lost luggage), Thumper-appropriate snacks and sippy cup or whatever you use so he can have water/juice on the flight, too. If Thumper has a favorite small stuffed animal it’s worth having. Everytime my Flyboy goes on an airplane we surprise him with a new book/toy that doesn’t get pulled out until he’s really bored/fussy. He never needed any drugs to handle flights, but it wouldn’t hurt to have them on hand just in case. Bring your creativity–I can’t tell you how many “games” have been invented to avoid meltdown on airplanes! Take him for a walk up and down the aisle a few times for a change of scenery and new people to flirt with, too!
And you should wear shoes you can take off/put on hands free! I once had to go through the extra security, travelling alone with an 18 month old and boy am I glad I had my Birkenstocks!
Have a great trip!
Posted by: Anne
With both my children, we’ve never had any problems with flying or ears – I always have on hand a sippy cup/bottle (boob in your case) but don’t force them. Small snacks are good, as is a new toy or book they haven’t seen before to amuse them and keep their interest. Most small babies I know fall asleep fairly quickly at that age (well, I’m going to keep my fingers crossed for you anyway 🙂 )
Good luck house hunting and say hello to Mariko for me 🙂
Posted by: Alison
be prepared to take off thumper’s shoes as well as your own! (the last few flights, i was told to take off olivia’s shoes) We use a vest that goes over her and clips to my seatbelt. not faa recommended for take off and landing, but useful for keeping her from running off our laps. thankfully, the last few flights, we asked for window and aisle, and she was able to sit between us (without paying for an extra seat).
agree with the other posts. we use lots of cherios. empty sippy cups to pour water into. new cheap toys. stickers. a friend has a rule that a new toy comes out every 15 minutes. she wraps them in tin foil- fine for security, fun to play with.
Posted by: rebecca
be prepared to take off thumper’s shoes as well as your own! (the last few flights, i was told to take off olivia’s shoes) We use a vest that goes over her and clips to my seatbelt. not faa recommended for take off and landing, but useful for keeping her from running off our laps. thankfully, the last few flights, we asked for window and aisle, and she was able to sit between us (without paying for an extra seat).
agree with the other posts. we use lots of cherios. empty sippy cups to pour water into. new cheap toys. stickers. a friend has a rule that a new toy comes out every 15 minutes. she wraps them in tin foil- fine for security, fun to play with.
Posted by: rebecca
Again to repeat others, take off and landing can be the most brutal. Nurse! Something to get his ears going. Not that you do this but: Binky- Bottle- get him sucking! I agree that his own seat is great though $$$. They make a rather pricey but WONDERFUL car seat that converts to a stroller and is FAA approved. Well worth it if you are going to be travelling cross country alot. The one I had was good up to almost 40 lbs I think.
See if any of your folks out there have one- it is awesome as it cuts down on the in/out/up/down and you can also use it as a high chair. I got mine at Right Start and sadly just gave it away or I would send it to you. Or maybe grandparents might provide if they thought it would get ya out there more. 🙂
Make sure that if you do use a car seat that it is FAA approved- not all are. It will say on the box & seat if it is. I do not suggest using a car seat from a rental car agency- ask me how I know. Ugh.
I know you sling Thumper alot and I would still bring a stroller. Remember, you can always gate check it.
lastly- WOW this has been long…Enjoy the flight, know that you will LOVE PDX and when you get up to SEA you, Billy and Thumper are welcome at our home anytime.
Posted by: KT
back when you could give dimetap and knock them out, I would have suggested that. it worked for dante at 5 months old. nurse on takeoff, or give a bottle if you can’t nurse, what with the seatbelt sign on. this will allow his little ears to pop. and take the red eye if you can so he’ll sleep trough the flight. and toys and snacks.
Posted by: Cambria
Wow, this is so exciting. I mean, vicariously. As bummed as I am (and I am) that you will be gone from our fair city before I have the chance to meet you in real life, it is fun to watch this big move unfold bit by bit on your blog. I have been to Portland (long ago, but still…), and I remember thinking it was swell.
Good luck with the house-hunt! And the flight. I have no advice to offer, not being experienced in the ways of 10-month-olds. But I imagine that if you are able to maintain a relaxed demeanor, Thumper will pick up on that and will feel ok about the situation. If it helps, my young nieces all seem to like traveling – I guess it is the novelty.
Posted by: Lizbon
Totally off-topic here, but I hope you can help. I’m knitting the baby yoda sweater you have posted, and just have a quick question about the pattern. I’m at the end of the left front section, and am unsure whether I’m supposed to be knitting 14 on the inside (the side where I’ve been decreasing) and then binding off on the shoulder side, or whether the binding off should be on the inside and the 14 knit stitches should be on the shoulder side. Hope you can help! I really love the sweater!!
Posted by: Heather
Thumper is already ten and a half months old?!
Posted by: alison
Remember that you will spend more time coming down than going up! The descent is more gradual, so he may start fussing earlier than you expect.
Lots of toys, although you may want to have a tether or some way to attach it to him or the carseat, if you’ve bought him a separate seat. That age has often discovered that YOU are quite entertaining when they drop something (and repeat, and repeat…)
Have a great trip!
Posted by: Kathy in San Jose
Breastfeed on take-off and landing to help Thumper’s ears pop.
If you can get it, ask for seats over the wings, the engine noise helps drown out any howling that Thumper might do (I know this from experience, two rows back you wont be able to hear the screams over the engine noise).
Take lots of toys to keep him occupied. Take a sippy cup of water as well, planes can be really dehydrating and Thumper might want to drink more to make up for it. Oh, and dress him in layers, planes can be hotter than you think, and if he doesn’t like being hot, then easily removable layers are a must.
Posted by: Ginchy
Dramamine drops for children – prevents airsickness and knocks them out for the duration of the trip.
Posted by: Mary K. in Rockport
As an experienced nursing mom flying traveler I suggest plenty of nursing during take off and landing (keeps them distracted and their ears don’t pop) and whatever small snack food they love, goldfish, cherrios etc and lots of small toys. We usually tried to secure the bulkhead for additional leg/play/nap room although usually didn’t get it. Ignore the whole preboarding thing they try to push on you. Try to be one of the last on the plane and let him explore the airport as much as you can so he’s tired for the flight and lastly don’t let anybody intimidate you, fellow travelers can be fairly obnoxious when they see a small child on a plane,ignore them, just do what you can to keep him happy and entertained and you’ll do just great! Good Luck~
Posted by: Liz
Echoing the airline employee who said descent is worse than takeoff. A flight attendant on our recent trip suggested giving our son something to drink *as soon as* descent began. If you can get him swallowing right away, the ears don’t hurt so much. On our first descent, we waited too long and our son was already in pain and crying and I had trouble getting him to drink. On the 2nd descent, I gave him water immediately and there was no crying.
Have fun in Portland!
Posted by: Michele
Echoing the airline employee who said descent is worse than takeoff. A flight attendant on our recent trip suggested giving our son something to drink *as soon as* descent began. If you can get him swallowing right away, the ears don’t hurt so much. On our first descent, we waited too long and our son was already in pain and crying and I had trouble getting him to drink. On the 2nd descent, I gave him water immediately and there was no crying.
Have fun in Portland!
Posted by: Michele
Many others have given you great suggestions, so I’m not sure I can add more, but! We’ve had the best luck on flights where we’ve gotten Jacob his own seat, and put him in his carseat. He understands the rules of the carseat, and squirms/fusses a whole lot less than when he’s been in our lap.
On the latest flight we tried Benadryl and it actually hyped him up–I’d recommend a test dose at home if you’re going this route. Nurse during take-off and landing for the ears, although it doesn’t bother some kids (Jacob was always fine, even when he refused the boob). I think portable dvd players/ins-seat tvs are a lifesaver if Thumper is the type. Lots of snacks, lots of diapers, lots of patience with your fellow travelers. Good luck house-hunting and with the flight!
Posted by: Amy
I was talking – or more correctly present during this conversation – recently with a mother about to travel with her 6 month old for the first time and a mother of a 6 year old.
And the more experienced mother had some great advice.
If you can? Make sure Thumper is hungry when you get on the plane and feed him right away – the nursing will help keep his ears clear during the earliest parts of the flight, and a freshly full belly may help him sleep.
And if he does get fussy and upset? Apologize openly to your immediate seat mates, buy everyone right by you a drink and cope without embarrassment. She said she always found that offering alcohol and openness put everyone on your side instead of making them silently seethe, which made it a million times easier to cope with the baby without being so tense herself she made it worse.
I though it was both practical and kind of brilliant.
Posted by: Juno
My advice for flying with a little one is nursing. I’m sure two dozen people have already said that, but I’ll add my vote.
Posted by: Cassie
We just flew with our 7 month old and it went pretty well. We requested an aisle and a window seat because unless the flight is really full, no one is going to request a middle seat! That gave us the extra room without having to pay for an extra seat, which wouldn’t have been possible for us. We also made great use of the flight attendants’ mirror, which is hidden in the back of the galley – it kept our girl busy for ages and the flight attendants were really great about letting one of us stand there.
Posted by: Cath
Have not read all of the comments but here are my few bits of traveling with a little one advice. Get him his own seat if you can. His carseat will be familiar, hopefully that is a good thing. Nurse! Bring new toys.
Good luck house hunting. You guys are going on such a great adventure!
Posted by: Karen
you will love it… hope to see you when you get back at some stage 🙂
Posted by: stinkerbell
We found flights to be the perfect time to let little ones play with things that are too small to let them play with in real life. Since you are right there you can keep everything out of the mouth! Stickers were (and still are) a big hit on planes, stick them on paper, on mommy, whatever!
Posted by: BethC
I don’t know about flying with a baby yet (I do know how to make silly faces at other peoples’ babies on planes, until they smile), but I say thumbs up on a knit gathering when you settle in! I’m a longtime lurker from Portlandwho didn’t chime in on past pdx discussions because I’ve been here just a year, and haven’t quite fallen in love with it, to be honestwho’s happy you’re heading to this side of the country. Your enthusiasm for pdx, sight unseen, and others’ comments about it have helped me like it a bit more!
Posted by: Amy
You sit in a window seat and husband with child somewhere else. Let him deal with the baby. Time for you to unwind and maybe knit a little.
Our daughter is now 9. It has always worked well for us. He used to walk her up and down the aisles, talk s to the hostesses etc.
Posted by: Karin
I love it when I hear that someone is moving to the Pacific Northwest and I hope and pray that they love it like I do. It’s the best place in the world. Of course, that’s my opinion and I hail from the desert, which I was very anxious to escape. Good luck with the move, the change in scenery, the house hunting and the flying with a youngin’.
Posted by: Tana
Dramamine drops for children – prevents airsickness and knocks them out for the duration of the trip.
Posted by: Mary K. in Rockport
As an experienced nursing mom flying traveler I suggest plenty of nursing during take off and landing (keeps them distracted and their ears don’t pop) and whatever small snack food they love, goldfish, cherrios etc and lots of small toys. We usually tried to secure the bulkhead for additional leg/play/nap room although usually didn’t get it. Ignore the whole preboarding thing they try to push on you. Try to be one of the last on the plane and let him explore the airport as much as you can so he’s tired for the flight and lastly don’t let anybody intimidate you, fellow travelers can be fairly obnoxious when they see a small child on a plane,ignore them, just do what you can to keep him happy and entertained and you’ll do just great! Good Luck~
Posted by: Liz
Echoing the airline employee who said descent is worse than takeoff. A flight attendant on our recent trip suggested giving our son something to drink *as soon as* descent began. If you can get him swallowing right away, the ears don’t hurt so much. On our first descent, we waited too long and our son was already in pain and crying and I had trouble getting him to drink. On the 2nd descent, I gave him water immediately and there was no crying.
Have fun in Portland!
Posted by: Michele
Echoing the airline employee who said descent is worse than takeoff. A flight attendant on our recent trip suggested giving our son something to drink *as soon as* descent began. If you can get him swallowing right away, the ears don’t hurt so much. On our first descent, we waited too long and our son was already in pain and crying and I had trouble getting him to drink. On the 2nd descent, I gave him water immediately and there was no crying.
Have fun in Portland!
Posted by: Michele
Many others have given you great suggestions, so I’m not sure I can add more, but! We’ve had the best luck on flights where we’ve gotten Jacob his own seat, and put him in his carseat. He understands the rules of the carseat, and squirms/fusses a whole lot less than when he’s been in our lap.
On the latest flight we tried Benadryl and it actually hyped him up–I’d recommend a test dose at home if you’re going this route. Nurse during take-off and landing for the ears, although it doesn’t bother some kids (Jacob was always fine, even when he refused the boob). I think portable dvd players/ins-seat tvs are a lifesaver if Thumper is the type. Lots of snacks, lots of diapers, lots of patience with your fellow travelers. Good luck house-hunting and with the flight!
Posted by: Amy
I was talking – or more correctly present during this conversation – recently with a mother about to travel with her 6 month old for the first time and a mother of a 6 year old.
And the more experienced mother had some great advice.
If you can? Make sure Thumper is hungry when you get on the plane and feed him right away – the nursing will help keep his ears clear during the earliest parts of the flight, and a freshly full belly may help him sleep.
And if he does get fussy and upset? Apologize openly to your immediate seat mates, buy everyone right by you a drink and cope without embarrassment. She said she always found that offering alcohol and openness put everyone on your side instead of making them silently seethe, which made it a million times easier to cope with the baby without being so tense herself she made it worse.
I though it was both practical and kind of brilliant.
Posted by: Juno
My advice for flying with a little one is nursing. I’m sure two dozen people have already said that, but I’ll add my vote.
Posted by: Cassie
We just flew with our 7 month old and it went pretty well. We requested an aisle and a window seat because unless the flight is really full, no one is going to request a middle seat! That gave us the extra room without having to pay for an extra seat, which wouldn’t have been possible for us. We also made great use of the flight attendants’ mirror, which is hidden in the back of the galley – it kept our girl busy for ages and the flight attendants were really great about letting one of us stand there.
Posted by: Cath
Have not read all of the comments but here are my few bits of traveling with a little one advice. Get him his own seat if you can. His carseat will be familiar, hopefully that is a good thing. Nurse! Bring new toys.
Good luck house hunting. You guys are going on such a great adventure!
Posted by: Karen
you will love it… hope to see you when you get back at some stage 🙂
Posted by: stinkerbell
We found flights to be the perfect time to let little ones play with things that are too small to let them play with in real life. Since you are right there you can keep everything out of the mouth! Stickers were (and still are) a big hit on planes, stick them on paper, on mommy, whatever!
Posted by: BethC
I don’t know about flying with a baby yet (I do know how to make silly faces at other peoples’ babies on planes, until they smile), but I say thumbs up on a knit gathering when you settle in! I’m a longtime lurker from Portlandwho didn’t chime in on past pdx discussions because I’ve been here just a year, and haven’t quite fallen in love with it, to be honestwho’s happy you’re heading to this side of the country. Your enthusiasm for pdx, sight unseen, and others’ comments about it have helped me like it a bit more!
Posted by: Amy
You sit in a window seat and husband with child somewhere else. Let him deal with the baby. Time for you to unwind and maybe knit a little.
Our daughter is now 9. It has always worked well for us. He used to walk her up and down the aisles, talk s to the hostesses etc.
Posted by: Karin
I love it when I hear that someone is moving to the Pacific Northwest and I hope and pray that they love it like I do. It’s the best place in the world. Of course, that’s my opinion and I hail from the desert, which I was very anxious to escape. Good luck with the move, the change in scenery, the house hunting and the flying with a youngin’.
Posted by: Tana