
What a week. I’m exhausted. Thumper’s going through this weird resistance to bedtime thing. (Okay. not that weird. I remember feeling the same way from age 3 to 31. But it’s new to him and I’m not enjoying it.) It’s been a struggle to get him to go to sleep for going on two weeks now. Most nights we finally get him to sleep around 11. Last night he fell asleep at the super-early time of 10:21. So he stays up too late, and then I stay up even later because there are things I need/want to get done before I get to bed.

Which is to say that I’m tired.

Sorry things have been so slow around here. All spare moments have been going toward getting the novel off my desk. I finished line editing. Today I need to insert those edits into the Word doc, and print it out. Tomorrow it gets mailed off to my agent.

And with that, I’ll resume some semblance of a normal, non-novel-writing life. At least until the next book really kicks into gear. I’ll blog. I’ll knit. I may even clean the house. Who knows…

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18 Comments on “Ugh

  1. My son stays up that late too. Always has and no matter how early or how late I put him down for a nap, he will fall asleep no earlier than 10:30. So I have no time to myself, unless I stay up really late, or wake up really early.

  2. My son stays up that late too. Always has and no matter how early or how late I put him down for a nap, he will fall asleep no earlier than 10:30. So I have no time to myself, unless I stay up really late, or wake up really early.

  3. Have I mentioned how much I admire you for getting this novel done? I who have no kids and no day job and only my own resistance to bedtime to cope with still manage to avoid writing my own long, long, long unfinished first draft.

  4. Have I mentioned how much I admire you for getting this novel done? I who have no kids and no day job and only my own resistance to bedtime to cope with still manage to avoid writing my own long, long, long unfinished first draft.

  5. If he still naps in the daytime, maybe it’s time to terminate that practice so he’ll be tired earlier in the evening. Of course, it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other, as you still don’t get time to yourself. When he learns to read, you get your evenings back!

  6. If he still naps in the daytime, maybe it’s time to terminate that practice so he’ll be tired earlier in the evening. Of course, it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other, as you still don’t get time to yourself. When he learns to read, you get your evenings back!

  7. Being a night owl myself, it’s no surprise that my kids didn’t want to go to sleep either. Since I still had to get things done and get up in the morning we reached a compromise (of sorts- it wasn’t perfect since toddlers are not easy to reason with!!). At “bedtime”, kids had to be in their room so grownups could do grown up stuff (insert any chores that do not interest a toddler). The kid in question didn’t have to go to sleep if s/he wasn’t sleepy, but had to stay in bed doing quiet things like listening to books on tape or the radio (preferably tuned to a quiet station), look at books, or play quietly with small toys. My youngest, at almost 8, is pretty good about getting to bed on time but we still have evenings where she’ll read in bed or listen to music for a while before she winds down. She also loves her little lamp with the pale green paper globe shade that she uses only at night, which seems to help her to transition to sleep mode. (On the other hand, my 19yo son still gets the “would you please turn off the light and go to sleep so the dog can rest” speech at 2,3,4 am!)

  8. Being a night owl myself, it’s no surprise that my kids didn’t want to go to sleep either. Since I still had to get things done and get up in the morning we reached a compromise (of sorts- it wasn’t perfect since toddlers are not easy to reason with!!). At “bedtime”, kids had to be in their room so grownups could do grown up stuff (insert any chores that do not interest a toddler). The kid in question didn’t have to go to sleep if s/he wasn’t sleepy, but had to stay in bed doing quiet things like listening to books on tape or the radio (preferably tuned to a quiet station), look at books, or play quietly with small toys. My youngest, at almost 8, is pretty good about getting to bed on time but we still have evenings where she’ll read in bed or listen to music for a while before she winds down. She also loves her little lamp with the pale green paper globe shade that she uses only at night, which seems to help her to transition to sleep mode. (On the other hand, my 19yo son still gets the “would you please turn off the light and go to sleep so the dog can rest” speech at 2,3,4 am!)

  9. Just had to chime in and say my son started doing that and — as much as it chilled me to the bone to contemplate it– we cut out his nap. Of course he was a holy terror from 5 until bedtime for a while, but he was just getting too much sleep.

  10. Just had to chime in and say my son started doing that and — as much as it chilled me to the bone to contemplate it– we cut out his nap. Of course he was a holy terror from 5 until bedtime for a while, but he was just getting too much sleep.

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