Warning to the Assembly

Flipping through an old notebook just now, I stumbled across a Buddhist prayer/meditation that I’d copied down ages ago. It’s a contemplation for the close of the day, something we chanted at evening service on meditation retreats. (My…how very long ago it seems now, that time when I had the freedom to go off and meditate for ten days at a time.)

This warning always struck a chord for me. We would chant it first in Mandarin and then in English. I don’t remember the Mandarin now, but there was a point where the abbot would strike a gong as he intoned something that I now remember as “da zhong.” (Someone who knows Mandarin, please correct me if need be.) The sound of that phrase would go right through me.

My life has a rather different shape to it these days. There’s a Chan center here in Portland, but I haven’t made the time to go yet, and my sitting practice is non-existent. (Insert the usual noises about how I intend to remedy this soon.) Still, this warning is extremely helpful for me. Perhaps this will be useful to you, as well.

This day has passed.
Our lives, too, are closing.
Like fish with little water,
Joy will not last.
Let us work with pure effort.
Work as we would were our heads aflame.
Be mindful of impermanence.
Be careful of idleness.

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22 Comments on “Warning to the Assembly

  1. This finds me as I am working as if my head were aflame, being 2 weeks minus a day away from my dissertation presentation (we don’t have “defenses” per se), so I take it to heart.

  2. This finds me as I am working as if my head were aflame, being 2 weeks minus a day away from my dissertation presentation (we don’t have “defenses” per se), so I take it to heart.

  3. Which I read as I check out blogs at work. Thank you, actually, as I have been feeling very strongly that I need to be much more responsible with my work and not being idle.

    Ten days at a time… I stand in awe. I can’t hold still for longer than about ten minutes.

  4. Which I read as I check out blogs at work. Thank you, actually, as I have been feeling very strongly that I need to be much more responsible with my work and not being idle.

    Ten days at a time… I stand in awe. I can’t hold still for longer than about ten minutes.

  5. Thank you for sharing that. We are in the middle of packing for a move to our first house (!!) and I’m stunned at both my lack of housekeeping skills and the amount of crap I’ve managed to acquire.

    This was a good wake-up call to be more mindful. I really appreciate it.

  6. Thank you for sharing that. We are in the middle of packing for a move to our first house (!!) and I’m stunned at both my lack of housekeeping skills and the amount of crap I’ve managed to acquire.

    This was a good wake-up call to be more mindful. I really appreciate it.

  7. It is fleeting and brief. Drink it in while I can. The fact that I am Mom gobsmacks me daily. I feel like a fish with little water constantly. Thank you.

  8. It is fleeting and brief. Drink it in while I can. The fact that I am Mom gobsmacks me daily. I feel like a fish with little water constantly. Thank you.

  9. Good post today. I am a chronic lurker, I think I may have commented once before, but I read your blog often. I was just thinking about how different my life is today than it was BC (before children) different and much much more meaningful.
    By the way, I love the new blog. Along with the new spin.

  10. Good post today. I am a chronic lurker, I think I may have commented once before, but I read your blog often. I was just thinking about how different my life is today than it was BC (before children) different and much much more meaningful.
    By the way, I love the new blog. Along with the new spin.

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