What I’m thinking about to distract myself from thinking about the world economy
You know how I know I’m not a knitblogger anymore? I miscrossed a cable on my current project (Central Park Hoodie), noticed several rows after the mistake was made, dropped the six offending stitches down those several rows to correct the mistake, painstakingly (dare I say with surgical precision?) laddered those stitches back up in the correct manner, and resumed knitting with all cables crossing as they should…
…and not even for a moment did it occur to me to take out the camera.
Yep. Not a knitblogger.
And now, back to watching the markets slide, and slide, and slide.
Got your Depression survival plan?
(photo source)
Me? I’m stockpiling homemade soup in the freezer, actively avoiding looking at my investment statements, and feeling grateful for the changes we made last year. If we were still in Brooklyn, we would be well and good fucked right now.
Oh–and Cassie and I are going to sell wool hats to all the cold i-bankers soon to be living in their cars down by the river. (Free hats to anyone living in their car down by the river who can prove they’ve never been an investment banker or voted for George Bush.)
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hee hee. I love that the hats will be free for the ‘honest’ homeless people. I keep telling myself that maybe it isn’t going to be like the Depression, but it gets harder every day…
hee hee. I love that the hats will be free for the ‘honest’ homeless people. I keep telling myself that maybe it isn’t going to be like the Depression, but it gets harder every day…
I need to stop looking at the market online, stop looking at my account statements, and knit from my stash. That sounds like a good plan. Oh, and more time spent on the couch knitting to distract me too. I agree with your people who don’t deserve free hats.
I need to stop looking at the market online, stop looking at my account statements, and knit from my stash. That sounds like a good plan. Oh, and more time spent on the couch knitting to distract me too. I agree with your people who don’t deserve free hats.
Its best not to look.
Its best not to look.
OMG…too funny on the hat business!! :o)
OMG…too funny on the hat business!! :o)
Soup and hats — sounds like my day. I too was compelled to make soup last night. Disastered my kitchen, but it made me really happy. Onions, ginger, a bit of curry, then sweet potato, carrot, parsnip, squash and pear. Num.
Soup and hats — sounds like my day. I too was compelled to make soup last night. Disastered my kitchen, but it made me really happy. Onions, ginger, a bit of curry, then sweet potato, carrot, parsnip, squash and pear. Num.
agreed on the giving free hats to everyone except bushies and bankers.
agreed on the giving free hats to everyone except bushies and bankers.
Making soup here too — first hard frost. Good apple crop: Fuji, Granny Smith.
Some day when you have time and leisure to do it, I would love to hear your compare/contrast view of the northwest. I always liked the local information when you lived in NY and am curious for your impressions now.
Making soup here too — first hard frost. Good apple crop: Fuji, Granny Smith.
Some day when you have time and leisure to do it, I would love to hear your compare/contrast view of the northwest. I always liked the local information when you lived in NY and am curious for your impressions now.
You are a knittah. Ask Cassie whether she needs a hat hander-out in NY 😉 and while I agree with not handing out hats to bankers and executives, we can still give to the low level employees. I hang my head in shame, but when I moved to NYC the only job I could find was at the New York Stock Exchange and I took it! A commie working at NYSE!!! No soup for me.
You are a knittah. Ask Cassie whether she needs a hat hander-out in NY 😉 and while I agree with not handing out hats to bankers and executives, we can still give to the low level employees. I hang my head in shame, but when I moved to NYC the only job I could find was at the New York Stock Exchange and I took it! A commie working at NYSE!!! No soup for me.
If only those investment bankers were going to be living in their cars by the river, then maybe we could get some satisfaction from the world. No, those people got theirs out from the market in the form of insane bonuses. They do not deserve knitted hats, unless they are knitted out of poison ivy and jute twine.
Have you read the Pollan piece in todays NYT? I think these guys should all be re-trained as farmers so they can learn what it means to produce an actual useful commodity….
And I am also glad to have left NYC, those people took all the joy out it for me in my last years there.
Knitting is the only thing that is keeping me sane at this point. When a thought about the market, the economy or my business creeps into my head I distract myself with sweater design or shaping issues, or stash diving.
If only those investment bankers were going to be living in their cars by the river, then maybe we could get some satisfaction from the world. No, those people got theirs out from the market in the form of insane bonuses. They do not deserve knitted hats, unless they are knitted out of poison ivy and jute twine.
Have you read the Pollan piece in todays NYT? I think these guys should all be re-trained as farmers so they can learn what it means to produce an actual useful commodity….
And I am also glad to have left NYC, those people took all the joy out it for me in my last years there.
Knitting is the only thing that is keeping me sane at this point. When a thought about the market, the economy or my business creeps into my head I distract myself with sweater design or shaping issues, or stash diving.
it’s okay to be a knitter who blogs about her life…that’s what i am! sometimes, knitting gets posted! ohhh scandalous!
it’s okay to be a knitter who blogs about her life…that’s what i am! sometimes, knitting gets posted! ohhh scandalous!
potato leek. dirt cheap to make, warm and filling enough to distract you from how dang cold it is without the heat on, and a comforting distraction from the crazy finance world.
potato leek. dirt cheap to make, warm and filling enough to distract you from how dang cold it is without the heat on, and a comforting distraction from the crazy finance world.
This post reminds me of my first winter back in St. Louis. I was determined to knit hats and scarves for all the homeless guys I saw on my walk between the parking garage and the building. Turns out that come winter they’re not there. I guess they find someplace warmer to be than a streetcorner or something. I gave all the hats and scarves to goodwill.
This post reminds me of my first winter back in St. Louis. I was determined to knit hats and scarves for all the homeless guys I saw on my walk between the parking garage and the building. Turns out that come winter they’re not there. I guess they find someplace warmer to be than a streetcorner or something. I gave all the hats and scarves to goodwill.
Hmmm…. I’m still thinking about my back up survival plan. My hands-on skills are a little lacking…. can’t knit, crochet, sew, repair stuff…. not good at cleaning or cooking…. what CAN I do? I’ve always made a living doing intangible stuff…. like teaching (ehm… those who can’t do teach?). I am imagining myself living on an organic farm and learning some farming skills: weeding, planting, milking goats (I’ve done that!)… That’s where I’d want to be if/when the Great Depression hits.
Hmmm…. I’m still thinking about my back up survival plan. My hands-on skills are a little lacking…. can’t knit, crochet, sew, repair stuff…. not good at cleaning or cooking…. what CAN I do? I’ve always made a living doing intangible stuff…. like teaching (ehm… those who can’t do teach?). I am imagining myself living on an organic farm and learning some farming skills: weeding, planting, milking goats (I’ve done that!)… That’s where I’d want to be if/when the Great Depression hits.