When Good Squirrels Go Bad or Why Bad Things Happen to Good Rodents

I was awakened this morning at 6 a.m. by what sounded like something mammalian being eaten alive outside our bedroom windows. I looked outside and saw the branches of the elm across the street waving rather wildly, so whatever was happening was going on behind the cover of leaves. Heather (who lives next door) thinks it was maybe squirrel on squirrel violence. But I’m not sure. It sounded bigger. Raccoons live in that tree and I’m thinking one or more of them might have been involved. Other neighbors have visitors in town, and those visitors brought two very tiny, very yappy chihuahuas with them. Those chihuahuahs have been yapping their yap at all hours for three days (and nights) running. I’ll admit that I had some rather amusing thoughts about it being one (or both) of those dogs up in the tree with our local raccoons. (I know, I know. But it was damn early and I was half-awake so the lizard brain ruled.)

So that’s how today started, the sound of something being eaten alive. I figured the day could only get better, but apparently my brain liked that groove and kept at it. I am glum. I am grumpy. There is not nearly enough coffee in the world.

When Thumper wakes up from his nap, I think it’s time to blast some music. We’ll have a dance party. You should see that kid go.

Posted in Uncategorized
26 comments on “When Good Squirrels Go Bad or Why Bad Things Happen to Good Rodents
  1. PurlPneuma says:

    Dance, Mama, dance!

  2. PurlPneuma says:

    Dance, Mama, dance!

  3. Saralyn says:

    Dance party! Why didn’t I think of that? Great for those days with the toddler when it’s too hot to go for our walk and we both need exercise.

  4. Saralyn says:

    Dance party! Why didn’t I think of that? Great for those days with the toddler when it’s too hot to go for our walk and we both need exercise.

  5. Katie says:

    Now I’m imagining the dogs were up there playing poker with the squirrels and the racoons and someone got caught cheating and there was a rumble… uh?

  6. Katie says:

    Now I’m imagining the dogs were up there playing poker with the squirrels and the racoons and someone got caught cheating and there was a rumble… uh?

  7. Cate says:

    I would like to see a picture of thumper dancing, please, pretty please.

  8. Cate says:

    I would like to see a picture of thumper dancing, please, pretty please.

  9. Nell says:

    A dance party with a toddler can cure all ills.

  10. Nell says:

    A dance party with a toddler can cure all ills.

  11. Anne says:

    Some friends in Kansas have chihuahuas, and they can’t leave them unattended in the backyard because the hawks start circling.

    I watched a hawk take down a pigeon on the lawn while I was eating my lunch in front of the library today. It was quite impressive to watch, and then I watched a banana spider (can’t remember the right name!) eat its lunch in the rosebush next to me. There was so much going on in the bush next to me!

    Nature is not always kind, but it is facinating to watch.

  12. Anne says:

    Some friends in Kansas have chihuahuas, and they can’t leave them unattended in the backyard because the hawks start circling.

    I watched a hawk take down a pigeon on the lawn while I was eating my lunch in front of the library today. It was quite impressive to watch, and then I watched a banana spider (can’t remember the right name!) eat its lunch in the rosebush next to me. There was so much going on in the bush next to me!

    Nature is not always kind, but it is facinating to watch.

  13. Juliette says:

    This website stole your banner! (sorta)

    I think you might be a candidate for one of Wendy’s “Summer of Pain” tee-shirts. Sorry you’re goin’ through it…

  14. Juliette says:

    This website stole your banner! (sorta)

    I think you might be a candidate for one of Wendy’s “Summer of Pain” tee-shirts. Sorry you’re goin’ through it…

  15. caroline says:

    It might have been dinner al fresco, but this did also happen to me when I lived in Toronto. Two racoons got it on at 3 am in the Norway spruce in front of my 2nd story bedroom window. It sounded for all the world like murder and mayhem. But was the racoon nasty fer shure. Not even getting bathed in ice cold hose water would discourage them. just sayin’…

  16. caroline says:

    It might have been dinner al fresco, but this did also happen to me when I lived in Toronto. Two racoons got it on at 3 am in the Norway spruce in front of my 2nd story bedroom window. It sounded for all the world like murder and mayhem. But was the racoon nasty fer shure. Not even getting bathed in ice cold hose water would discourage them. just sayin’…

  17. AmyDe says:

    I’d have been right there with you about the chi-chi’s – I mean not REALLY, but the thought would have amused me TOO much.

    It’s like that saying “eat a live frog for breakfast everyday and nothing worse can happen…” I am NOT a pessimist, but I always think “Wanna bet?”

    Cheer the Hell Up! or if that doesn’t work

    “Run Toto! Run!”

  18. AmyDe says:

    I’d have been right there with you about the chi-chi’s – I mean not REALLY, but the thought would have amused me TOO much.

    It’s like that saying “eat a live frog for breakfast everyday and nothing worse can happen…” I am NOT a pessimist, but I always think “Wanna bet?”

    Cheer the Hell Up! or if that doesn’t work

    “Run Toto! Run!”

  19. Kathy says:

    You have that dance party! Nothing is better than a dance party with a toddler. Plus, you deserve something fun for making me laugh at the thought of those little yappers getting it from the raccoons.

  20. Kathy says:

    You have that dance party! Nothing is better than a dance party with a toddler. Plus, you deserve something fun for making me laugh at the thought of those little yappers getting it from the raccoons.

  21. Lizbon says:

    I love the lizard brain. Mine is particularly delightful sometimes. I am being sincere.

  22. Lizbon says:

    I love the lizard brain. Mine is particularly delightful sometimes. I am being sincere.

  23. Alison says:

    Thumper shakes his booty – that I’m desperate to see 🙂

  24. Alison says:

    Thumper shakes his booty – that I’m desperate to see 🙂

  25. Knittripps says:

    Dance party!!! Why am I picturing 80’s style leg warmers?

  26. Knittripps says:

    Dance party!!! Why am I picturing 80’s style leg warmers?

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Writer, With Kids