
That was a bit of a stretch between posts, wasn’t it? See, the kid and I went back east for eight days, and blogging didn’t quite fit with the schedule. Neither did friends, for the most part, sadly. In those eight days we managed to travel all over New Jersey and New York (state, but not city, which is why mostly no friend sightings, alas). We saw nearly my entire family on both sides. There were two seders, Easter, and multiple family gatherings. Thumper had a great time with his cousins and LOVED having so much Gramma time. I had a great time too. I am, however, totally completely spent. We got in last night, and the kid is passed out on the couch now, hours before he would usually nap in either time zone. I think he’s got the right idea. Consider this a placeholder for an actual post really really really soon.

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4 Comments on “Whoops…

  1. I’m so happy you’re back, but I hope you manage a nap today too. It takes time to decompress from all that family time–even when the visit goes well!

  2. It was so nice seeing you, Thumps, little mommy and the rest of the family. I love how Tumper referred to my almost non existent eye makeup : “what’s that dirt on your eyes?”

    …oh and apparently I wear “too many” bracelets.

    Kiddo cracks me up…not shy..not shy, at all.

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