Would you care for half a mouthful of broccoli, dear?
The only real disappointment so far from this first year of gardening (the whole toxoplasmosis scandal, and the day the birds ate my okra seedlings aside) has been about yields. Having no idea how much to expect from the amount of each vegetable planted, and so far coming up with far less than we’d like to have. (Mind you, the zucchinis haven’t come in yet. I’m ready and waiting for too much zucchini.)
Example: the broccoli raab harvested this weekend, from four out of six plants.
It was delicious. Incredibly delicious. The best thing we’ve had from the garden by far, so far. But there was barely enough for the three of us, with Thumper getting a rather small toddler-ish portion. If all six plants had been ready at once, it would have been enough for one good meal, but two were not yet ready and the other four were threatening to bolt, so…barely enough it was.
I also planted four regular broccoli plants. Only one has made a head so far, and I had to pick it tonight because it was starting to show some yellow, which I’ve been told means flowers aren’t far behind (and you want to eat it before those buds open). So I picked that head tonight. It’s about the size of a plum.
We’ll be sharing that tiny broccoli crown tonight, along with the smattering of kale and broccoli raab (from those dawdling two plants):
Oh–and the strawberry plants gave us this much today, so there’s dessert, anyway. (Don’t let that pint container fool you. I’ve been re-using it to harvest our berries. They look so sad and lost rolling around the big wicker harvest basket.):
So, my dear gardening readers of greater experience than I, tell me this: How the hell do you determine how much you need to plant of each vegetable to get enough yield? Already, I’m thinking this is the last time I’ll plant broccoli. It takes up so much space and is giving me nothing for it. Better to use that space (and more) for more raab. (More broccoli raab! More! More!)
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Give the broccoli (and the garden) another chance. This year has been very strange weather wise. Mine’s ready to give me tons, then you harvest the side shoots, then when it goes to flower, you eat those shoots too. I had some from last year, overwintered, ate the flowered shoots this spring.
Go for sugar snap peas next spring, usually do amazing in Oregon weather.
Give the broccoli (and the garden) another chance. This year has been very strange weather wise. Mine’s ready to give me tons, then you harvest the side shoots, then when it goes to flower, you eat those shoots too. I had some from last year, overwintered, ate the flowered shoots this spring.
Go for sugar snap peas next spring, usually do amazing in Oregon weather.
The weather has totally messed up my garden, too. Not even the zucchini is happy, really. The green beans I planted at the right time are short and dark green, they were just too cold for too long; the ones I planted later are taller and healthier looking. It’s really not a typical year, so don’t judge your yields by it.
The weather has totally messed up my garden, too. Not even the zucchini is happy, really. The green beans I planted at the right time are short and dark green, they were just too cold for too long; the ones I planted later are taller and healthier looking. It’s really not a typical year, so don’t judge your yields by it.
I second Michelle on the broccoli. I usually get close to soccerball sized heads. I think yours may just be suffering from the odd weather. We get the side shoots off of our broccoli until it gets too cold. In my experience that is subzero temperatures. And this is just your first year gardening. I’ve learned and continue to learn how much to grow by experimenting. Maybe you could ask people you know in your area how much they grow? Gardening is a continuous learning experience for me. In a few years you guys will be getting so much stuff from your garden!
I second Michelle on the broccoli. I usually get close to soccerball sized heads. I think yours may just be suffering from the odd weather. We get the side shoots off of our broccoli until it gets too cold. In my experience that is subzero temperatures. And this is just your first year gardening. I’ve learned and continue to learn how much to grow by experimenting. Maybe you could ask people you know in your area how much they grow? Gardening is a continuous learning experience for me. In a few years you guys will be getting so much stuff from your garden!
I hear you ! I had a 5ft by 5ft wee garden just like you at my parents in Westchester – t he whole point was to be reachable inwards from the sides without stepping a foot inside the square.
Paltry harvest from my brocali rabe – and the deer ate all my tomatoes.
But I got a ton of edamame, zucchini, thumbelina carrots, and mixed sring lettuce. And my sunflowers were awesome.
I’d try and try again, but I’d love to learn about yield, too from everyone’s comments.
I hear you ! I had a 5ft by 5ft wee garden just like you at my parents in Westchester – t he whole point was to be reachable inwards from the sides without stepping a foot inside the square.
Paltry harvest from my brocali rabe – and the deer ate all my tomatoes.
But I got a ton of edamame, zucchini, thumbelina carrots, and mixed sring lettuce. And my sunflowers were awesome.
I’d try and try again, but I’d love to learn about yield, too from everyone’s comments.
This is one reason my garden has grown as big as it is. I’m still struggling, after all these years, with getting enough asparagus for some serious eating. But everything else usually reaches the point of TOO MUCH at some point — too much coming at once, at a time when I can’t really deal with it.
But the weather is a real factor, and by all accounts your weather has been different than usual this year — as has mine (but oddly mine has been in a GOOD way). I have some years when it’s a terrible broccoli year, but last year it was absolutely incredible. Some years I feel like the tomatoes were a waste of time and money and energy, and others it’s a banner tomato year.
Now you’re learning the joys of being a farmer/food producer/gardener, which I’ve written about in a post for later in the week.
I disagree with the person who said to grow snap peas if you have limited space. They are big space-users and produce for only a very short time, and then you’ve used that space for some other summer vegetable you’d like. This is the first year I’ve gotten ANYthing out of them, and my two rows have been (continue to be) producing big, HOWEVER, again, read my blog in the next few days for my experience about that.
Pole beans are great, though again, until I learned to plant umpteen poles’ worth, there wasn’t enough to feed the two or three of us beyond what I called a “garnish.” Nothing like the bushels full I remember from my childhood. Then again, does a family of two really need BUSHELS? No, but we are healthy eaters and would like more than three beans on our plates. That’s when I became a big fan of what I call the “melange of vegetables” for dinner: three beans, a little beet, a roasted onion, a half a small zucchini. Mmmmmm.
Having said that, it’s still early in the season. (at least for here) This is the first year EVER that I’ve “gone off the grid” for buying produce before the first of August. Usually the month of August is “all from the garden.” This year it’s been since the first of MAY, except for the occasional purchase of garlic and a tomato or two.
I hope you don’t mind the essay-length comment. 🙂
This is one reason my garden has grown as big as it is. I’m still struggling, after all these years, with getting enough asparagus for some serious eating. But everything else usually reaches the point of TOO MUCH at some point — too much coming at once, at a time when I can’t really deal with it.
But the weather is a real factor, and by all accounts your weather has been different than usual this year — as has mine (but oddly mine has been in a GOOD way). I have some years when it’s a terrible broccoli year, but last year it was absolutely incredible. Some years I feel like the tomatoes were a waste of time and money and energy, and others it’s a banner tomato year.
Now you’re learning the joys of being a farmer/food producer/gardener, which I’ve written about in a post for later in the week.
I disagree with the person who said to grow snap peas if you have limited space. They are big space-users and produce for only a very short time, and then you’ve used that space for some other summer vegetable you’d like. This is the first year I’ve gotten ANYthing out of them, and my two rows have been (continue to be) producing big, HOWEVER, again, read my blog in the next few days for my experience about that.
Pole beans are great, though again, until I learned to plant umpteen poles’ worth, there wasn’t enough to feed the two or three of us beyond what I called a “garnish.” Nothing like the bushels full I remember from my childhood. Then again, does a family of two really need BUSHELS? No, but we are healthy eaters and would like more than three beans on our plates. That’s when I became a big fan of what I call the “melange of vegetables” for dinner: three beans, a little beet, a roasted onion, a half a small zucchini. Mmmmmm.
Having said that, it’s still early in the season. (at least for here) This is the first year EVER that I’ve “gone off the grid” for buying produce before the first of August. Usually the month of August is “all from the garden.” This year it’s been since the first of MAY, except for the occasional purchase of garlic and a tomato or two.
I hope you don’t mind the essay-length comment. 🙂
I’m with you. My ILs have a huge garden and gave me some cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage plants that they didn’t need (and they start everything from seed so I felt a little guilted into this). They are taking up fully half of my garden and none of them are in my top 5 of veggies. Next year I am using that space to plant some golden beets, snap peas, and spinach – all stuff I love to eat.
I’m with you. My ILs have a huge garden and gave me some cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage plants that they didn’t need (and they start everything from seed so I felt a little guilted into this). They are taking up fully half of my garden and none of them are in my top 5 of veggies. Next year I am using that space to plant some golden beets, snap peas, and spinach – all stuff I love to eat.
I am watching your garden experiment with great interest.
I am watching your garden experiment with great interest.
I don’t know the answer, I’m just here to commiserate.
The first year I planted a garden, I put in one row of green peas. When it came harvest time, I proudly shelled my peas and put them in a pot to cook. There were about 123 peas floating on top of the water. It was the saddest sight ever.
I haven’t grown peas since then.
I don’t know the answer, I’m just here to commiserate.
The first year I planted a garden, I put in one row of green peas. When it came harvest time, I proudly shelled my peas and put them in a pot to cook. There were about 123 peas floating on top of the water. It was the saddest sight ever.
I haven’t grown peas since then.
If you ask ten gardeners for their opinion on what is worth taking up space, you will get ten different answers. I’ve written off broccoli and cauliflower because of the yields, space, the long growing time and the aphids, but persist with the artichokes. They have the same issues, but I like how they look. One gardening columnist wrote off winter squash, onions and garlic because they are inexpensive and store well. Clearly, he was not growing the gourmet varieties. As others have said, it was a long, cold spring. I lucked out by planting lots of snow peas and lettuce that thrived. The families I know that are serious about feeding themselves all have huge gardens or a plot in a community garden and a system for growing starts in their basements. Hope you’re not discouraged, it really does take a few years of trying different things.
If you ask ten gardeners for their opinion on what is worth taking up space, you will get ten different answers. I’ve written off broccoli and cauliflower because of the yields, space, the long growing time and the aphids, but persist with the artichokes. They have the same issues, but I like how they look. One gardening columnist wrote off winter squash, onions and garlic because they are inexpensive and store well. Clearly, he was not growing the gourmet varieties. As others have said, it was a long, cold spring. I lucked out by planting lots of snow peas and lettuce that thrived. The families I know that are serious about feeding themselves all have huge gardens or a plot in a community garden and a system for growing starts in their basements. Hope you’re not discouraged, it really does take a few years of trying different things.
It will take a while to figure out what works for you…the broccoli may just not work in your microclime, or next year it might be fantastic. The most helpful thing would probably be to find out what other Portland gardeners like to grow, especially people in your neighborhood. That will give you a better idea of yields you can expect than reading about it online. They can probabably also tell you more about what a “normal” year looks like.
It will take a while to figure out what works for you…the broccoli may just not work in your microclime, or next year it might be fantastic. The most helpful thing would probably be to find out what other Portland gardeners like to grow, especially people in your neighborhood. That will give you a better idea of yields you can expect than reading about it online. They can probabably also tell you more about what a “normal” year looks like.
It’s early days for your garden & you need time (&plenty of compost) to build up the fertility in the soil, that’s the key really to getting good yields in raised beds when you plant closely together. Strawberries usually peak in their third season (make sure that you plant up the runners for next year) 7 in a year like this I don’t know anyone (I’m in the UK but we’re having a pretty grotty summer too) who has done particularly well. After a few years of trying out pretty much everything we focus on growing the things that are expensive to buy – like wild rocket, things that are hard to get hold of like fresh herbs & the things that need to be eaten really quickly after picking – well pretty much everything is best eaten quickly after picking. I don’t bother with anything that stays in the ground for too long or is cheap to buy so all root veg comes from a local farm shop. The exception to all this, of course, is anything you really love so although they take up space & I can buy them I just have to grow first early potatoes eaten by themselves with just butter & a crunch of sea salt!
It’s early days for your garden & you need time (&plenty of compost) to build up the fertility in the soil, that’s the key really to getting good yields in raised beds when you plant closely together. Strawberries usually peak in their third season (make sure that you plant up the runners for next year) 7 in a year like this I don’t know anyone (I’m in the UK but we’re having a pretty grotty summer too) who has done particularly well. After a few years of trying out pretty much everything we focus on growing the things that are expensive to buy – like wild rocket, things that are hard to get hold of like fresh herbs & the things that need to be eaten really quickly after picking – well pretty much everything is best eaten quickly after picking. I don’t bother with anything that stays in the ground for too long or is cheap to buy so all root veg comes from a local farm shop. The exception to all this, of course, is anything you really love so although they take up space & I can buy them I just have to grow first early potatoes eaten by themselves with just butter & a crunch of sea salt!
My broccoli bolted before it ever formed a head, gah! I think those need to be planted WAY early – February. Sigh. I’m going to chop off the bolted heads and see about the side shoots. Our spring was so, so cold too. But my tomatoes have taken off, and my lettuce, sadly, has too. (Bitter now). It’s a great time to reseed carrots, lettuce, broccoli, etc – they’llmature in the fall. Peas too.
I’ll be honest and say that in addition to compost, I give mine quite a bit of liquid fertilizer (mostly fishy stuff but I also use Algoflash for tomatoes).
Can someone tell me why my cucumbers are TINY?
My broccoli bolted before it ever formed a head, gah! I think those need to be planted WAY early – February. Sigh. I’m going to chop off the bolted heads and see about the side shoots. Our spring was so, so cold too. But my tomatoes have taken off, and my lettuce, sadly, has too. (Bitter now). It’s a great time to reseed carrots, lettuce, broccoli, etc – they’llmature in the fall. Peas too.
I’ll be honest and say that in addition to compost, I give mine quite a bit of liquid fertilizer (mostly fishy stuff but I also use Algoflash for tomatoes).
Can someone tell me why my cucumbers are TINY?
Sounds like everyone agrees it is this cool weather we have had. I know I didn’t even get my nasturtiums to bloom until that second day of warm weather and then, BANG! No buds or anything. It went straight from leaf to flower. Hey, a couple of hanging baskets of nasturtiums would be a fun addition to your salads!
Sounds like everyone agrees it is this cool weather we have had. I know I didn’t even get my nasturtiums to bloom until that second day of warm weather and then, BANG! No buds or anything. It went straight from leaf to flower. Hey, a couple of hanging baskets of nasturtiums would be a fun addition to your salads!
It has been trial and error for us. Each year we plant more tomato plants to plump up our canning efforts. Last year we planted brussells sprouts for the first time and three plants yielded more sprouts than we could ever eat. I try to take notes each year and taking pictures/posting on my blog helps too.
It has been trial and error for us. Each year we plant more tomato plants to plump up our canning efforts. Last year we planted brussells sprouts for the first time and three plants yielded more sprouts than we could ever eat. I try to take notes each year and taking pictures/posting on my blog helps too.
I’m trying a vegetable garden for the first time this year as well (sugar snap peas, broccoli, carrots, and bell peppers). So far we’ve harvested about 11 snap peas, which were lovely. Nothing yet on the others but leaves. Granted, I’m not doing anything to the soil (and I mean NOTHING) – so I don’t have particularly high expectations. It’s my first year, and it’s a baseline for what the soil can do on it’s own. I planted about 5-6 broccoli plants though, so I’ll let you know what that does.
We have a blueberry bush as well, which has a total of 5 berries on it right now. Ah well, maybe next year.
I’m trying a vegetable garden for the first time this year as well (sugar snap peas, broccoli, carrots, and bell peppers). So far we’ve harvested about 11 snap peas, which were lovely. Nothing yet on the others but leaves. Granted, I’m not doing anything to the soil (and I mean NOTHING) – so I don’t have particularly high expectations. It’s my first year, and it’s a baseline for what the soil can do on it’s own. I planted about 5-6 broccoli plants though, so I’ll let you know what that does.
We have a blueberry bush as well, which has a total of 5 berries on it right now. Ah well, maybe next year.
Each year is different. I usually get tons of peas; this year something ate all my plants. I’ve reseeded chard twice with no luck–usually it comes up quickly and grows fast. Okra looks pitiful, and the eggplant didn’t come up. Beans were slow to grow–I plant the burgundy beans first because they can tolerate cool weather, and they are usually done by the end of May. They didn’t flower and produce until late June this year and are still growing strong. Some years will be record breakers for one veg, and nothing for another. I’m glad I don’t have to do this for a living!
Each year is different. I usually get tons of peas; this year something ate all my plants. I’ve reseeded chard twice with no luck–usually it comes up quickly and grows fast. Okra looks pitiful, and the eggplant didn’t come up. Beans were slow to grow–I plant the burgundy beans first because they can tolerate cool weather, and they are usually done by the end of May. They didn’t flower and produce until late June this year and are still growing strong. Some years will be record breakers for one veg, and nothing for another. I’m glad I don’t have to do this for a living!
Size does matter 😉 In your beds, is it just the cole plants that have had disappointing yields?. Have they been getting enough sun? Is your soil nutrient-poor? They are heavy feeders.
PS. Are you using/reading Square Foot Gardening? I think it underplays the usefulness of fertilizers, particularly with uncooperative weather. The book’s argument for soil enrichment rather than topical application by parallel with woodland environments is questionable because perennial plants have a different life/timeline, and wild annuals are primarily going towards seed production, while domesticated food crops are frequently being manipulated by us humans to do the opposite: grow leaves or roots, not seeds.
Second, I have had success with late transplanting. Back-up seedlings and ruthless culling are sometimes the best solution to mediocre yields.
Size does matter 😉 In your beds, is it just the cole plants that have had disappointing yields?. Have they been getting enough sun? Is your soil nutrient-poor? They are heavy feeders.
PS. Are you using/reading Square Foot Gardening? I think it underplays the usefulness of fertilizers, particularly with uncooperative weather. The book’s argument for soil enrichment rather than topical application by parallel with woodland environments is questionable because perennial plants have a different life/timeline, and wild annuals are primarily going towards seed production, while domesticated food crops are frequently being manipulated by us humans to do the opposite: grow leaves or roots, not seeds.
Second, I have had success with late transplanting. Back-up seedlings and ruthless culling are sometimes the best solution to mediocre yields.
I don’t know if this would be helpful for you but I read Pile of O’Melays (www.omelays.blogspot.com) they are a homesteading family back east and they live off their garden, the sheer volume of food they need to grow to live off makes my head spin. Last year they grew and processed almost eight hundred pounds of tomatoes, yep that’s a lot of sauce for a family of five and they used it all. Carl also has a lot of fascinating entries on bee keeping, my yard is to small of chickens but I do entertain the idea of a hive in my backyard every once in a while. Fair warning his latest entry is about slaughtering and plucking chickens while there are no graphic photos if you are sensitive it would be best to skip that entry. Have a good day, I think you are getting some really good gardening advice from everyone else.
I don’t know if this would be helpful for you but I read Pile of O’Melays (www.omelays.blogspot.com) they are a homesteading family back east and they live off their garden, the sheer volume of food they need to grow to live off makes my head spin. Last year they grew and processed almost eight hundred pounds of tomatoes, yep that’s a lot of sauce for a family of five and they used it all. Carl also has a lot of fascinating entries on bee keeping, my yard is to small of chickens but I do entertain the idea of a hive in my backyard every once in a while. Fair warning his latest entry is about slaughtering and plucking chickens while there are no graphic photos if you are sensitive it would be best to skip that entry. Have a good day, I think you are getting some really good gardening advice from everyone else.
I’m going to disagree with Norma and back Michele on the sugar snap pea issue. You can plant them early, and they do grow really well in the Northwest. I’m not gardening this year, but in the past, I’ve made teepees out of bamboo stakes, planted peas at the base of each leg, and then seeded mesclun underneath. By the time the peas get big enough to shade the operation, the lettuces need it.
I’m going to disagree with Norma and back Michele on the sugar snap pea issue. You can plant them early, and they do grow really well in the Northwest. I’m not gardening this year, but in the past, I’ve made teepees out of bamboo stakes, planted peas at the base of each leg, and then seeded mesclun underneath. By the time the peas get big enough to shade the operation, the lettuces need it.
I was going to recommend Now Norma Knits as a reference for garden planning, but she already posted. Nevermind!
I’m up in Seattle and it’s been just a cold, crummy start to the growing season. Our yard is surrounded by tall pines, so the veggies and herbs I have in all fall in the ornamental category, but we’re also members of a CSA (community supported agriculture — you buy a stake in a local farm in the spring and receive weekly produce deliveries into the fall), and their newsletter has said that nothing outside of the greenhouses started growing in earnest until last week’s heatwave — 1 to 2 months behind the norm.
I was going to recommend Now Norma Knits as a reference for garden planning, but she already posted. Nevermind!
I’m up in Seattle and it’s been just a cold, crummy start to the growing season. Our yard is surrounded by tall pines, so the veggies and herbs I have in all fall in the ornamental category, but we’re also members of a CSA (community supported agriculture — you buy a stake in a local farm in the spring and receive weekly produce deliveries into the fall), and their newsletter has said that nothing outside of the greenhouses started growing in earnest until last week’s heatwave — 1 to 2 months behind the norm.