And the winner is…
Last call on that copy of Avery 7 that I’m giving away. If you want it, please comment on the post below by Thursday at noon PST. I’ll be letting the Random Number Generator pick a winner after that.
Avery 7 Has Landed! (want one?)
My contributor copies of Avery 7 arrived today! Woot! Okay…so I took the photo with my iPod and it’s a little grainy. You’ll have to take my word for it that my name is on the back there. But it …
Blogging and the Fine Art of Writing Avoidance
I’ve been feeling unsettled lately. Been feeling that way since that damn scene in Rabbit, Run, actually, but I think my reaction to that scene was partly a symptom of the state of my head rather than the cause of …
Happy Fifth Birthday, Thumper!
Self-portrait Series with PB&J Face Happy birthday to my sweet jellyfaced boy!
A list of random, because lists please me
and because my brain is everywhere at once today, and because if I don’t go with the random I may well never blog here again, because I do seem to be losing the blog habit. 1. Rabbit, Run by John …
In which I totally gush about Zazen by Vanessa Veselka
Zazen by Vanessa Veselka I finished Zazen two days ago (devoured it in two days) and I can’t stop thinking about it. I won’t call it perfect, because what’s a perfect novel and really who would want to read such …
In which I totally gush about Zazen by Vanessa Veselka Read more »
In which I reveal how very impressionable I am
On April 13th, the New York Times published an article about the dangers of sugar. The next day, they published an article about the dangers of sitting down. Both articles got me thinking. Seriously thinking. Life altering kind of thinking. …
A long time between yeses
I am very, very happy to tell you that one of my short stories will appear in Avery 7. The last time I had the pleasure of sharing this type of news with you was Fall 2005 when I got …